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Diocesan Resolution 2014_AC140_02: State Health Exchanges

RESOLVED, that this 140th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark urge the governor and the legislative houses of the state of New Jersey to move forward on the establishment of state-run exchanges for the comparison and purchase of health insurance as established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. And be it further

RESOLVED, that the Secretary of Convention send a letter to the aforementioned governmental authorities to this effect.

(Consent calendar.)

Supporting Information

New Jersey is one of 36 states that decided to leave the running of the insurance exchanges required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the federal government. The much publicized "glitches" and problems with the federal set up are well-known and seem to be partially caused by the sheer volume generated by the fact that most states have avoided establishing their own marketplace. (New Jersey did sign on to the Medicaid expansion portion of the ACA).

However, most of the 14 states that took on the task of setting up their own exchanges are faring much better in providing affordable and comprehensive health insurance to their citizens — many of whom report that, for various reasons, they have not been covered for years.

According to online reports, between Oct. 1 and Nov. 7, 2013, about 77,000 people in the state of Washington have successfully purchased heath or Medicaid insurance through that state's web site (68,532 through Medicaid expansion, and 9,230 through the exchange). 

And, as of November about 16,400 persons had purchased coverage through New York' exchange and 35,364 persons in California.  One of the best known state exchange success stories has been in Kentucky, where more than 40,500 have enrolled for coverage from both private insurers and Medicaid through the state's Kynect exchange.

Healthcare is a necessity that no one should have to go without and it seems that the best way to move forward at this point would be to establish a New Jersey exchange.

Submitted by: Mr. Bob Bogert, St. Paul's, Montvale

Resource Date: 
Jan 25, 2014