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Resolutions adopted at Diocesan Convention

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Resource Title
Diocesan Resolution 2023_AC149_02 A Resolution on Reducing Gun Violence and Praying for its Victims
Diocesan Resolution 2020_146AC_R03 Constitutions & Canons Proposed Amendments to Canons 2 & 5
Diocesan Resolution 2020_AC146_01 Implementing Required Anti-Sexism Training
Diocesan Resolution Honoring Two of Newark's Giants of Justice: Marge Christie and Louie Crew Clay
Diocesan Resolution St. Gregory's, Parsippany Mission to Parish
Diocesan Resolution 2019_AC145_01 Moving the Convention of the Diocese of Newark toward a more Digital Future
Diocesan Resolution 2019_AC145_02 Recognizing and Ending Domestic Violence in our Congregations
Diocesan Resolution 2019_AC145_03 Supporting Transgendered People
Extinct Mission Resolution: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, North Arlington, New Jersey
Diocesan Resolution 2018_AC144_01 Resolution Against Human Trafficking
Diocesan Resolution 2018_AC144_02 Breaking The Episcopal Stained Glass Ceiling
Extinct Parish Resolution: The Church of The Holy Communion, Paterson, New Jersey
Diocesan Resolution 2016_AC142_01: Faith seeking Understanding in the matter of Closing Congregations
Diocesan Resolution 2016_AC142_02: Responding to the Legacy of Slavery: What We Can Do
Diocesan Resolution 2016_AC142_03: Declaration of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark As A Mental Illness Stigma-Free Organization
Diocesan Resolution 2016_AC142_04: Recommend Book Study: “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander
Diocesan Resolution 2015_AC141_01: Poverty and the Need for a Living Wage
Diocesan Resolution 2015_AC141_02: Fossil Fuel Divestment and Clean Energy Reinvestment
Diocesan Resolution 2015_AC141_03: Prison Ministry New Life Chapels
Diocesan Resolution 2014_AC140_01: Developmental Centers in Northern New Jersey
Diocesan Resolution 2014_AC140_02: State Health Exchanges
Diocesan Resolution 2014_AC140_03: Dignity at Work
Diocesan Resolution 2013-01: Diocesan Mission Enterprise Zones
Diocesan Resolution 2013-02: A Call to Understand Wealth Disparity and the Future of the Diocese of Newark
Diocesan Resolution 2013-03: Engaging Poverty and the Work of Economic Justice
Diocesan Resolution 2013-04: Responding to Super Storm Sandy and Climate Change
Diocesan Resolution 2013-05: A Call for Economic Reconciliation Through Socially Responsible Banking
Diocesan Resolution 2013-06: Addressing Violence in Our Communities
Diocesan Resolution 2012 Special Convention: Denominational Health Plan
Diocesan Resolution 2012-01: Holy Habits and Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Diocesan Resolution 2012-02: Focusing on the Needs of Children
Diocesan Resolution 2012-03: Strengthening Our Companion Diocese Relationship
Diocesan Resolution 2012-04: Suspend Deadlines and Reconsider Mandates Imposed by General Convention Resolution A-177
Diocesan Resolution 2011-01: Equal Education: Save Our Public Schools
Diocesan Resolution 2011-02: Anti-Racism Resolution
Diocesan Resolution 2011-03: A Resolution Recognizing Church of the Incarnation's New Ministry and Mission in Jersey City
Diocesan Resolution 2011-04: Honoring the Venerable Herb Tinning
Diocesan Resolution 2011-05: Budget Resolution: 2008 Diocesan Pledge to the Episcopal Church
Diocesan Resolution 2011-06: Justice Needs for Children
Diocesan Resolution 2010-01: The Evil of Trafficking