Nominations for elected offices to be voted upon at the 150th Annual Diocesan Convention, Nov. 8-9, 2024, must be submitted to the Secretary of Convention no later than noon on Friday, Oct 16, 2024 in order to be assured inclusion in the pre-Convention packets supplied to deputies.
Late nominations will be accepted through noon on Friday, Nov. 1, 2024. Late nominations will be included in the Convention packets distributed to deputies at the time of Registration at the Convention, and names will be handled as write-ins on ballots.

About balloting
We will be utilizing Election Runner software to handle balloting. You can learn more about it at
General Requirements for diocesan offices
No person shall be eligible for election to any office at Convention, nor shall any person elected by Districts, or appointed to serve on Diocesan Council or other Diocesan Standing Committees, Commissions or Boards accede to that office, unless that person shall have first completed or arranged for the completion of anti-racism dialogues and anti-sexism training as approved by the Bishop after consultation with the Diocesan bodies responsible for each training. – (Diocesan Canon 2(6))
Communicant in good standing
All communicants of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered communicants in good standing. – (The Episcopal Church Canons, I.17.3)

Offices & Candidates for Election
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To be elected: Class of 2027 – 1 clergy/2 lay members
Multiple nominations; require 2 clergy and 4 lay candidates.The ACTS/VIM Board also administers funding grants through the Alleluia Fund.
Membership: Twelve members. The Diocesan Bishop; 3 clergy and 6 lay members elected by convention for a three-year term; 3 clergy or lay members appointed by Bishop for a three-year term. Two consecutive three-year terms may be served.
Candidate expectations: attendance at four meetings a year when proposals are being considered for funding. Two meetings between the second week in March and last week in April. Two meetings between the second week in October and the last week in November. For the Alleluia Fund. Two or three site visits made to grant requesters in the spring and fall. Also, as needed, participation in at least two educational forums about ACTS/VIM around the diocese in the calendar year; e.g. district meetings, convention, workshops organized by ACTS/VIM.
Desirable, but not essential, experience: grant writing, reviewing grants, starting or expanding programs.
Candidates – Clergy
Katherine Rollo – Holy Spirit, Verona
I seek election to this ACTS/VIM board because it supports outreach to the community, the cornerstone of the Episcopal Church. Additionally, this is an area where I can bring my expertise. I am involved in reviewing requests for funds from our Heavenly Finds Thrift Shop as well as collaborating on grants requested for Holy Spirit. It would be an honor to serve on a diocesan committee in this capacity.Candidates – Lay
Don MacGowan – St. Peter’s, Mountain Lakes
A fifteen-year member of St. Peter’s Mountain Lakes, I have served as choir member, a vestry member, and senior warden during times of significant challenge. And I am honored to chair St. Peter’s Outreach Committee. I have attended several diocesan conventions, so I understand the diocese and the many boards and committees that make it work. I serve on the Ward J. Herbert board, which gives the opportunity to visit churches, meet people, and make recommendations re: their property needs. Serving on the ACTS/VIM board is a natural follow-on to the WJH board, connecting with people and churches, and reviewing the programs and plans for which they are seeking diocesan funding. Personally, I am retired after 42 years as an IT professional in the insurance industry. I am well acquainted with working in groups, scheduling, planning, and getting things done. I live in Denville with my wife of 34 years.Eloise Monzillo Hiris – St. Peter’s, Essex Fells
Recently, I became aware of the work of the ACTs/VIM ministry. I believe I possess the skill set that would enable me to support this ministry’s mission. I hold a PhD from NYU, with experience in grant writing, and have been a member of the Scholarship and Welfare fund of the Alumni Association of Hunter College, Inc. of the City University of New York: Graduate School Grant Committee. This committee allocates funds in response to applicants’ who meet the criteria demonstrating academic promise and financial need. Currently I serve on my parish’s Vestry, Alter Guild, and usually once or twice a month serve the chalice during 10:00 service. I would love the opportunity to contribute to the work of the diocese through the ACTs/VIM ministry.Denneze Nelson – St. Agnes & St. Paul’s, East Orange
I previously served in several lay positions, and I’m glad to increase to higher service in the Diocese. I feel called to offer more of my spiritual learning, serving experience, and overall attendance to God. It would be an honor and a privilege. Thank You.Arnold Peinado – Christ Church, Short Hills
I am currently a director of the two grant making arms of the Diocese, namely the Alleluia Fund and the ACTS/VIM Fund, and am seeking reelection for a final term. I am currently Senior Warden at Christ Church in Short Hills. I have been chairman of the Christ Church Outreach Grants Committee for over 20 years. I am currently on the church’s audit committee. I have completed the four year EFM program. I am also a member of the finance and operations committee of Episcopal Relief and Development. Finally, I am a recently retired partner from my NY law firm where I enjoyed a 35 year career as a business lawyer. I am also involved with several nonprofits as a director or trustee.Janet Porsche – Saviour, Denville
Our diocese is so wonderfully diverse in many different ways. I see being able to serve on the ACTS/VIM board as a way to get to know other people and churches in the Diocese, while hopefully helping them to further their efforts in Christian ministry. As a member of Church of the Saviour Denville since 1982, I have served in many capacities: vestry member, Finance Committee chair, president of St. Martha’s Guild, warden, diocesan convention delegate, and most recently as Property Committee chair, as well as serving on the Marge Christie Fund. -
Constitution and Canons Committee
To be elected: 10 members – (lay or clergy)
Multiple nominations; require 11 candidates; clergy or lay.The Constitution and Canons Committee consists of 10 members, the Chancellor (member ex officio and chair), and the Vice Chancellor.
The committee serves from the adjournment of the convention at which it is elected until the adjournment of the next annual convention. It reviews the Constitution and Canons and makes recommendations for the amendment thereof and reports to the convention on amendments proposed by others. The committee also reviews Opinions of the Chancellor, as outlined in Canon 20.
The committee meets at the beginning of December to prepare for the annual convention, during convention as necessary, and when called into special session as described in Canon 20.
Desirable, but not essential, experiences: church law, revising parish constitutions.
Thomas A. Bisdale – Grace Church, Westwood
I would be honored to continue my service on this committee which dates back to the 1990’s. I have served in a variety of positions at the diocesan and parish level and am presently a Trustee of the Diocese and member of my parish’s vestry.Patricia Arlin Bradley – Holy Trinity, Hillsdale
I have been active in leadership both at the congregational and diocesan level for many years. I was a member of the diocesan HR committee for ten years, and would be delighted to continue on Constitutions & Canons.Paula Cappel – St. Andrew & Holy Communion, South Orange
As a Church Leader in several capacities, I feel that I can be of quality service to the Constitutions and Canons Committee. You see for more than eighteen years I have served as a Vestry Person, Warden, Worship Leader, Lay reader and Usher. At the Diocesan level, I served on ACTS/VIM Committee (Executive Member), and Deputy to General Convention. I am eager to continue to serve on Constitutions and Canon Committee.Nate Darville – St. Peter’s, Essex Fells
For the past four years, I have served as Rector of St. Peter’s in Essex Fells. On a diocesan level, I am a member of the board of trustees for Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center and am the Vice-President (and President-elect) of the Standing Committee. I am currently finishing my first term on the Constitution and Canons Committee, so I am familiar with its tasks and duties.John C. Garde – Grace Church, Madison
I look forward to continuing service on this important committee as we continue to move the church forward and address a variety of issues including church status, discipline, accountability and the structure and mission of the Diocese. My experience both as a lawyer and in various capacities in the Diocese and at the church level brings an important perspective to this Committee.Laura A. Russell – All Saints, Hoboken
As a practicing attorney with over thirty years’ experience, I hope to continue to bring my knowledge of the Canons, together with my experience in governance, to this committee. My experience on the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, and as a Deputy to General Convention, as well as a vestry member and former warden, bring an important church governance perspective to this committee.John L Smith – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
I am a member at Trinity and Saint Philip’s Cathedral Church for several decades. I presently serve as an usher, on the Vestry for several terms, and have served as Warden.
I am presently serving as a Lay Person on the Disciplinary Committee.
I am presently an Adjunct Faculty Member in Social Sciences, at Essex County college, after serving in Law Enforcement for 26+ years, also elected as Executive Vice President of the Adjunct Faculty Association. I have a Graduate Degree in Education from Seton Hall University as well as degrees in Sociology and Criminal Justice.
I am very familiar with the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, and would welcome the opportunity to continue be a member of that board.The Rev. Diana L. Wilcox – Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge
I have served on the General Convention Constitution & Canons legislative committee, and through work on Diocesan Council, the Disciplinary Board, and as a Deputy to General Convention, I have a broad understanding of the C&C of both the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Newark. I hope to be able to leverage this experience to serve the diocese on this committee.Paul Yoon – St. Agnes’, Little Falls
I am currently serving as Priest-in-Charge at St. Agnes’ Little Falls and as Manager of Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, with a clinical assignment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Having served as a member of the Commission on Ministry for about 7 years as well as on the Canon & Constitutions since the 147th Diocesan Convention, I am familiar with the nature of diocesan leadership. Outside the parish and diocese, I am a member of the Ethics Committee at Weill Cornell. -
Disciplinary Board
To be elected: Clergy Class of 2030 (1 for six-year term)
To be elected: Lay Class of 2029 (1 for five-year term)
One nomination necessary for each office.The Disciplinary Board consists of 11 members: 6 clergy and 5 lay.
The Disciplinary Board oversees matters of clergy discipline under Title IV of the Canons of the Episcopal Church. Each diocese must have a Disciplinary Board. The committee is made up of lay persons and priests and deacons. The members are elected by diocesan convention. The Elected Members of the Disciplinary Board will be required to attend an organizational meeting of the Board tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
Candidates – Clergy
The Rev. Dr. Elaine Ellis Thomas – All Saints, Hoboken
As do all members of the clergy, at ordination I promised to take my “share in the councils of the Church.” I have served on the Standing Committee in two dioceses and have been elected to General Convention deputations from two dioceses. In two searches for bishop diocesan, I was on the slate of nominees. My lifelong experience in the Episcopal Church and involvement in the wider church have given me a perspective on the concerns and longings of the people who call this Church home. There is a jadedness among those who claim no affiliation with Christianity and among those who deeply love our Church, and some of that stems from a mistrust of those in positions of leadership, particularly when the perception is that there is no accountability. I am running to serve on the Disciplinary Board because I am concerned about that lack of trust for clergy. The Title IV process can seem complicated and unnecessarily legalistic. I hope to experience this part of our canons and bring my extensive experiences in the Church to bear on the disciplinary process.The Rev. Diana L. Wilcox – Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge
I served on the Diocesan Disciplinary Board previously, as well as the Provincial Court of Appeal, and the Provincial Court of Review. I find this to be holy work to which I feel deeply called. These are difficult moments in the life of the body of Christ for all involved, as we seek “accountability, justice, reconciliation, restoration and pastoral response.” I would be humbled to serve in this role again on behalf of the Diocese of Newark.Candidates – Lay
John L Smith – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
I am presently a Disciplinary Board Lay Member. Presently a member of the Constitutions, and Cannons Committee. Member the Cathedral Church for several decades. Former Warden at the Cathedral Church. Presently a Vestry Member and Usher at the Cathedral Church. Bachelors Degrees, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Bloomfield College. Graduate Degree, in Education, Seton Hall University Taught in Higher Education for thirty one years. Former Law Enforcement Officer, twenty-six plus years. Executive Vice President Adjunct Faculty Federation, since 2008. -
Diocesan Council
To be elected: Class of 2027 – 3 clergy/3 lay members
Council’s Canonical Responsibilities include: (Canon 5.4)
a) Analyze needs, determine primary concerns and program priorities, and develop goals and policy for the Diocese.
b) Review and evaluate the program of the Diocese, set standards, gather and analyze data, and compare results with goals and policy.
c) Establish such planning groups as the Council may deem appropriate to carry out its purposes and duties.
d) Engage consultants and utilize resources sufficient to accomplish the planning process.
e) Supervise the financial affairs of the Convention, including budgetary matters.
f) Submit annually to the Convention a unified budget for the ensuing year to provide for the total operation of the Diocese.
g) In the event the Convention fails to adopt a unified budget at its annual Convention, to provide for such a budget for the ensuing year in accordance with any general or specific mandates of the Convention.
h) Adopt a working budget annually.
i) Provide for the maintenance of sound and accepted business practices in the affairs of the Diocese,
j) Give recognition to accredited organizations, institutions, and other activities of the Diocese and provide regulations whereby such recognition can be given.
k) Approve ACTS/VIM, Ward J. Herbert and Congregational Growth and Development Fund grants.
l) Together with the Diocesan Staff, to encourage the timeliness and accuracy of parochial reports.Meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday evening of every month (Except July & August) and Council will meet in the various congregations of the diocese. Meetings typically last from 6 – 8:30 PM and dinner is served.
Candidates – Clergy
Virginia Jenkins-Whatley
I respectfully offer myself for service on the Diocesan Council. Since I have been ordained in 2020, I have had the privilege of serving in ministry in the Good Shepherd of Fort Lee as well as other diocesan events. Prior to ordination, I faithfully served as Pastoral Care Co-Chair at St Paul’s Paterson and other duties as assigned. I have over 20 yrs experience in administrative roles in various social service agencies which involved navigating challenges of program funding appropriately. I am presently consistently sharing God’s love, justice and humility through my time volunteering in two refugee programs Lighthouse and Interfaith Rise and Prison Ministry. As a Deacon, I am committed to serving God’s people, our church and our Diocese.Jacqueline McLeod – Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge
As a newly ordained Deacon in the Diocese of Newark I bring an enthusiastic desire to serve. My experience as a manager/administrator of social and health programs would lend itself to connecting to the broader community. My church experience serving as Acolyte Master, Stewardship Chair, Vestry Member and Clergy Search Committee member has given me the opportunity to serve and learn about the Episcopal Church. I am committed to learning and assisting the Diocese of Newark to ministering to the broader community. It would be my honor to serve on the Diocesan Council.Annie Pike – St. Luke’s, Phillipsburg
I am deeply committed to serving my community and fostering inclusivity within the church, which I effectively fulfill in my vocation as a deacon. My experience as a former church treasurer and current substitute teacher allows me to engage with various aspects of community life, ensuring smooth operations within our church while connecting with the wider community to nurture spiritual growth and support. As Co-convener of the Harriet Tubman Regional Ministry Network, I advocate for communities at the edges of our diocesan boundary, ensuring that every perspective is valued. I am eager to build connections and create collaborative opportunities, believing all individuals should feel valued in our shared mission and ministry. My goal is to be a catalyst for positive change both within and beyond our church walls.
Rod Perez Vega – St. John’s / La Iglesia de San Juan, Dover
Currently I serve as Rector of St. John’s in Dover, chaplain at Riverwalk Village at the House of the Good Shepherd, and chaplain for the Dover Police Department. Previously I served as staff chaplain at Lehigh Valley Health Network specializing in Palliative Care and Oncology, Chairperson of the Dover Faith Network, and in the Diocese of Newark as co-secretary of the nominating committee for the 10th Bishop of Newark. Throughout my ministry I have been involved with compliance, planning, administrative manual and procedure writing, as well as policy development; in a Christ centered way with compassion and the well-being of individuals and the community as foundations for this work. It will be an honor to serve in the Diocesan Council.Paul Rajan – Good Shepherd, Wantage
I am inspired to be part of the Church administration beyond my parish, the Church of the Good Shepherd, Wantage. I bring gifts of 38 years of ministry experience, Church Planting, Mission training and administration, and pioneering a few non-profits in India, New Zealand, and the US. I also bring pastoral care gifts based on my eight Clinical Pastoral Education units at the supervisory level. I serve a few Episcopal Church-related organizations, such as the Global Episcopal Mission Network, Association of Episcopal Chaplains, and Global Partnership, representing our Diocese as the Global Mission Advocate and on the Standing Committee on World Mission. I wish to offer my pastoral support to the committee in every decision-making.Candidates – Lay
Susan Cancelosi – St. James, Upper Montclair
I have been at St James for over 30 years. I have served on the Stewardship, Search, Capital Campaign, Property and Finance Committees and as Treasurer and Junior and Senior Warden. Although my education was in science, my involvement as a principal in a family business lead to my being an incorporator of Franklin Bank in Nutley. In addition of being on the Board of Directors, I served on the Executive and Audit Committees. The bank was taken over by TD Bank. It would be an honor to serve on this committee.Paula Cappel – St. Andrew & Holy Communion, South Orange
As a dedicated lay church leader with experience in various areas of leadership, I am seeking the opportunity to serve on the Diocesan Council Class of 2027. After reviewing the Canonical Responsibilities of a Council member, I believe that my skills as a collaborative team player align well with the needs of the Council. I am eager to bring my creativity, dedication, and expertise to work alongside fellow members to achieve goals. I would be honored to have your support for this position on Diocesan Council of our Diocese.Robert Cox – Good Shepherd, Fort Lee
I have been an active member of Church of the Good Shepherd in Fort lee for over 20 years. during this time I have served on the Vestry, serving as Clerk and Treasurer, and as Senior Warden, and am currently a member of our Vestry. My professional background is in Human Resources management, specializing in employee benefits. I am honored to have been asked to serve on the Diocesan Council and look forward to serving the Diocese as a member of the Diocesan Council.Rhonda Lutz – Saviour, Denville
I am an active member of the Church of the Saviour, Denville. Currently, I am the Senior Warden and have served on as treasurer, Vestry member, Chair, Parish Life, chair of the Welcome Committee and president of St. Martha’s guild in the past. On a diocesan level, I am member of the Trustees Committee and the Assistant Treasurer of Diocesan Convention. This year I had the pleasure to be the first lay alternate for the General Convention in June. Professionally, I am the Manager of Data and Finance for Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center’s Renal and Pancreas Transplant Center. I would like to serve on the Diocesan Council.Nick Orichio – Christ Church, Newton
My family and I have been members of the Christ Church, Newton congregation for 10 years. I am a CPA licensed in New Jersey with corporate accounting experience in pharmaceutical, transportation, and software industries. I conduct the annual financial audits at Christ Church and am a member of the choir. It would be my honor to serve on the Diocesan Council.Lisa Smith – St. Paul’s, Paterson
I have served on our vestry and have been a warden for several terms. Through my time on vestry and/or being a warden I have served on both the finance and property committees. I have chaired a discernment committee for three different candidates contemplating the ordination process. Outside of the church I served on the Board of Trustees of the then NJ Coalition for Battered Women for several years some of which included being part of the executive committee. I would like the opportunity to bring this experience to the Diocesan level through serving on Diocesan Council.Vanessa Wigfall – Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark
I have served on the Dioceasan Council and now I would like your vote of confidence. I am cradle Episcopalian who is called to serve. I have been an acolyte since 10 years old and grown into the position of Acolyte director. I have served as Treasurer at the Cathedral. I am current on Vestry and VP for St Monica’s Guild.Ross Wisnewski – St. Mary’s, Sparta
My service on Diocesan Council for the past three years has been instructive in furthering my understanding as to how the Diocese works. It has been my pleasure to serve. -
The Standing Committee
To be elected: Class of 2028 – 1 clergy/1 lay members
Multiple nominations; require 3 clergy and 2 lay candidates.The Standing Committee consists of 8 members. Four clergy and four lay members are elected by Convention for a four (4) year term. A maximum of eight (8) consecutive years may be served.
The Standing Committee is the Bishop’s council of advice and the ecclesiastical authority when there is no bishop in charge. Additionally, the Committee:
- gives consent to elections and resignations of bishops;
- approves any encumbrance of real property and sale of real property;
- approves modifications or revisions of judicial sentences;
- recommends postulants for candidacy, candidates for ordination to the diaconate and deacons to be ordained priests.
Attendance is required at ten monthly meetings via Zoom on first Wednesdays at 7 PM. The Standing Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August).
Committee assignments as required.
Desirable, but not necessary, experience: law, real estate, vestry/executive committee, diocesan groups.
Candidates – Clergy
The Rev. Mark Robin Collins – All Saints’, Glen Rock
I have served as rector of All Saints’, Glen Rock for nine years. In my time in the Diocese of Newark, I’ve served on the Commission on Ministry and the Clergy Conference Planning Committee. Most recently, I have served as co-chair of the Strategic Visioning Team. The Standing Committee is one of the ‘big kids’ assignments in The Episcopal Church. It oversees property issues, recommends candidates for ordination, and advises the bishop. It consents to the election of bishops throughout the Church. I believe that my service on the COM and the SVT in particular has provided me with the experience, skills, and understanding to make a meaningful contribution to the leadership of our diocese on the Standing Committee. My hope is to help steer our diocese through the post-pandemic period to a new era of stability and flourishing ministry to God’s people in northern New Jersey.Candidates – Lay
Bernard J. Milano – Trinity, Allendale
I am completing my first term on the Standing Committee having been the president since February, 2023. I chair the Diocese Audit Committee, served on the four committees that resulted in the current planned move of Diocese offices from 31 Mulberry to the former St Peters in Livingston. Previously I served on Commission on Ministry and two terms of the Diocese Trustees. As is true of many who worship in smaller parishes I have served a few times as warden and treasurer with current roles in the choir and chair of the Finance Committee. Thank you for your service as a delegate to this Convention, I hope you will consider allowing me to continue to serve the Diocese as a member of the Standing Committee. -
Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral Chapter
To be elected: Class of 2027 – 1 clergy/1 lay members
Multiple nominations; require 2 clergy and 2 lay candidates.The Chapter consists of 18 members, as follows:
- The Diocesan Bishop as President
- Bishops
- The Dean
- Archdeacons, if any
- 3 clergy & 3 lay persons elected by Convention for a one 3-year term
- 3 clergy or 3 lay members appointed by the Bishop for a one 3-year term
- 2 wardens, 1 treasurer, 1 clerk and 12 lay members elected from and by the congregation
Under the joint consolidation agreement and the Constitution of the Cathedral, the Chapter shall have the regulation, management and administration of temporal affairs of the Cathedral and the decision in such spiritual matters pertaining to its administration as may be referred to the Chapter by the Bishop or the Dean. Attendance is required at quarterly meetings.
Desirable, but not necessary, experience: vestry, diocesan groups.
Candidates – Clergy
The Rev. Grant Mansfield – St. George’s, Maplewood
Greetings! I’m Grant Mansfield, Rector of St. George’s, Maplewood, where I’ve served since 2020. My ministry focuses on fostering relationships that uplift and grow our faith communities. As I complete my term on Diocesan Council, I also serve as a Deputy to the 81st General Convention and on the planning team for our annual Clergy Conference. At St. George’s, I work closely with our community and collaborate with neighboring parishes and interfaith partners to strengthen our bonds and shared ministries. Recently, my family and I joined the Union of Black Episcopalians, Newark Chapter, and are excited to serve through this ministry. My passion for interparish collaboration and diocesan-wide ministry drives my desire to serve on the Cathedral Chapter. I believe we can strengthen our Cathedral’s ministry and presence throughout the diocese and in Newark. With a deep commitment to the Gospel, I humbly ask for your vote. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant future for our faith communities.Candidates – Lay
John C. Garde – Grace Church, Madison
As a lawyer and partner at McCarter & English, LLP I look forward to continuing service on the Trustees as we continue to move the church forward and address a variety of issues including church status, discipline, accountability and the structure and mission of the Diocese. My experience both as a lawyer and in various capacities in the Diocese and at the church level brings an important perspective to the Trustees. -
Trustees of the Episcopal Fund & Diocesan Properties
To be elected: Class of 2029 – 3 members (Clergy or Lay)
The Trustees hold title to and administer the funds and real estate for the benefit of the Diocese.
Additional candidate requirement: Must reside in the geographical area of the diocese.
John C. Garde – Grace Church, Madison
As a lawyer and partner at McCarter & English, LLP I look forward to continuing service on the Trustees as we continue to move the church forward and address a variety of issues including church status, discipline, accountability and the structure and mission of the Diocese. My experience both as a lawyer and in various capacities in the Diocese and at the church level brings an important perspective to the Trustees.Melissa Hall – St. James, Upper Montclair
When Jesus handed Peter the keys to the Kingdom, I believe he expected us to take on the responsibilities for the spiritual life of our church, as well as the care and tending of its financial resources and historic properties. This responsibility requires our care and attention.
As the Rector of a complex and active church for ten years, as well as 20 years experience in Healthcare administration, I bring an appreciation and the skills appropriate to the demands of a large and challenging diocese.Beverly Huck – St. Luke’s, Haworth
As a priest in this Diocese for 40 years I have served on a variety of councils – Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, Constitution and Canons, and Commission on Ministry. I bring a broad perspective based on a wealth of experience serving in large, midsize and small parishes. Most importantly I recognize the changing dynamics in our parishes and our diocese which impacts how we structure a variety of issues for our future. Currently I serve a small parish which is collaborating with two other congregations to find a new model for our combined ministry. I look forward to bringing this unique viewpoint by serving on the Board of Trustees.Geraldine Livengood – Christ Church, Newton
I have completed one term as a Trustee, and I would be honored to serve a second term. The work is vital, fascinating and challenging. I offer my experience as a lawyer, as a vestry member and warden and as a faithful Episcopalian as I seek your support for re-election. -
Secretary of Convention
One nomination necessary.
Candidate requirement: Communicant in good standing.
The Secretary shall give notice of all Conventions as required by the Constitution, take Minutes of the proceedings, preserve the journals and records, attest the public acts of the Convention, and perform such other services as may from time to time be prescribed by the Canons or by the Convention.
The Secretary of the Convention shall also be a Secretary of the Diocesan Council.
John King – St. Andrew’s, Harrington Park
I consider myself privileged to serve the congregations and people of the Diocese of Newark, I have always felt a call to serve and assist the good work of this Convention and its committees. I am proud to be part of this community, and I look forward to continuing in this role. -
Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer
One nomination necessary for each office.
Candidate requirement: Communicants in good standing.
The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer each shall give satisfactory security for the faithful performance of his/her duties. The Treasurer shall be entitled to a seat in the Convention and shall submit a statement of the accounts to each Annual Convention. The Assistant Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Treasurer of the Convention.
The Treasurer of the Convention shall also be Treasurer of the Diocesan Council.
Candidates – Treasurer
Samuel Reckford – Christ Church, Short Hills
As the CFO of the diocese, it probably makes sense for me to serve as the Treasurer of Convention.Candidates – Assistant Treasurer
Rhonda Lutz – Saviour, Denville
I am an active member of the Church of the Saviour, Denville. Currently, I am the Senior Warden and have served on as treasurer, Vestry member, Chair, Parish Life, chair of the Welcome Committee and president of St. Martha’s guild in the past. On a diocesan level, I am member of the Trustees Committee and the Assistant Treasurer of Diocesan Convention. This year I had the pleasure to be the first lay alternate for the General Convention in June. Professionally, I am the Manager of Data and Finance for Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center’s Renal and Pancreas Transplant Center. I would my pleasure to serve as the Assistant Treasure of Convention.
Nominations Form
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Secretary of Convention