RESOLVED, That a faithful response to the Gospel in this time of growing economic inequality and political gridlock requires that we respond to human need by loving service and that we seek to transform unjust structures of society; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Diocese of Newark commit to teaching, preaching, organizing, advocating and building mutually transformative relationships with those who are poor to focus our hearts and the mission of our congregations and diocese on reducing poverty and increasing economic and racial justice; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the church cultivate mindfulness about poverty in our communities and world as well as the poverty into which Christ calls us by including in our prayer and in the agenda of every meeting time for reflection on how our work engages issues of poverty; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That our bishop, diocesan staff and congregational coaches encourage congregations to join local faith-based organizing networks such as but not limited to NJ Together to increase our effectiveness in strengthening our communities; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That congregations seek out and the diocese sponsor trainings in and use of the tools of Asset Based Community Development recognizing that we strengthen our communities by identifying and building from the assets already existing in them.
Submitted by: The Rev. Geoff Curtiss, All Saints’, Hoboken; The Rev. Miguelina Howell, Church of the Epiphany, Orange; Ms. Laura Russell, All Saints’, Hoboken; The Rev. Canon Dr. Sandye Wilson, St. Andrew and Holy Communion, South Orange; The Rev. Manoj Zacharia, St. Paul's and Resurrection, Wood-Ridge
Supporting Information
Demographic data for the Diocese of Newark indicates a growing economic disparity seen in a growing segregation between those with access to quality housing, employment, public education and transportation and those without such access. These are important indicators to quality of life. Asset Based Community Development is one tool that helps people in underserved communities identify their strengths from which to begin to engage the issues they face. The hope is to initiate a call to action across our Diocese to address issues of economic inequality and to build community transformation.