Resolved, that this 144th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark authorize the establishment of an Anti-Sexism Task Force, of which women shall compose at least half of the membership; and be it further
Resolved, that the Task Force be required to research, develop, and submit for approval at the 145th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark a training program that will be required for all clergy, all lay persons elected to leadership in the Diocese, diocesan search committees, and that will be encouraged for use by all congregational search committees; and be it further
Resolved, that this Task Force will monitor and submit to each Diocesan Convention, beginning with the 145th Convention of the Diocese of Newark, a report on the status of women clergy in the Diocese in regards to role, pay equity, and gender-based harassment; and be it further
Resolved, that the 144th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark submit this resolution, along with the following, to the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church:
“Resolved, that 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church authorize a task force with membership, appointed by the Presiding Officers, of which women shall compose at least half of the membership, to research sexism in The Episcopal Church, and the role it plays in pay equity, status, and gender-based harassment. The task force shall report back to the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church with a plan to provide materials and resources to combat sexism in the Church.”
See attachment for full text.