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Marge Christie Congregational Growth and Vitality Fund

To initiate a Marge Christie Fund grant application, please fill out and submit this form, and then follow the instructions emailed to you. All submission materials must be received by 12 noon on March 15.

The Marge Christie Congregational Growth and Vitality Fund provides congregational missional funds for the support, strengthening, development and renewal of our congregations’ mission and ministry. The fund's Board seeks to challenge and support our congregations as they prayerfully reflect on how their existing and future projects and programs might deepen and strengthen the congregation’s missional identity. Grant applications from congregations throughout the Diocese of Newark will be received and considered on an annual basis.

Bishop's Church Emergency Fund (BCEF)

Bishop's Church Emergency Fund

The Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund (BCEF) provides financial support for church buildings in the diocese needing repairs and renovation, usually with a special focus on emergency and unforeseen needs. Through the BCEF, you can support the critical needs identified by the Bishop.

A series of four calls per year go to members of the BCEF who have pledged in advance to support work the bishop deems important. To become a member of BCEF, please submit this online form.


Applications to the ACTS/VIM Fund must be received by 12 noon on March 1. (If March 1 falls on a weekend, the deadline is the next business day at noon). Applications received after this deadline, or that are incomplete, will not be considered. Go to the application form.

ACTS/VIM (A Commitment To Serve/Venture In Mission) funds program proposals which address one or more of the following:

  • Connect congregational development and community outreach.
  • Promote inclusivity and welcoming of outsiders (or program beneficiaries) into the Episcopal Church.
  • Foster and broaden clergy and lay leadership in the congregation.
  • Demonstrate responsible stewardship of resources.
  • Offer creative vision for the church's witness and presence in the community.
  • Promote collaboration and cooperation.
  • Provide initial resources for new endeavors (seed money), which might otherwise be difficult to fund.

Ward J. Herbert Fund

Applications to the Ward J. Herbert Fund for Cycle 2 (late-spring) funding must be received by 12 noon on the filing dates listed below. Applications received after 12 noon on that day or that are incomplete will not be considered during that cycle.

The Ward J. Herbert Fund provides funds for buildings that are used for congregational functions. Top priority is given to funds for deterioration of structure, hazards, and emergencies, such as required roof repairs and inoperative boilers. The fund's second priority is interior and exterior renovation to provide for expanded mission of the congregation. Grants from the Ward J. Herbert Fund must be matched dollar for dollar.


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