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Marge Christie Fund grant application

To initiate a Marge Christie Fund grant application, please fill out and submit this form.

The people designated as the Lead and Project Contacts will receive an email with further instructions and two links:

  • a link to a downloadable Excel spreadsheet with worksheets that must be completed;
  • a link to a Dropbox to upload the spreadsheet plus any supporting materials.
    IMPORTANT: So that we can match the uploaded receipts to your application, please include the Submission ID # given in your email and your church name and town in each receipt's file name. For example:
    [Submission ID #]-StSwithins-Swamp-1.pdf
    [Submission ID #]-StSwithins-Swamp-2.pdf

If you don’t see this email in your inbox, check your spam filter for an email from episcopalhouse @

DEADLINE: All submission materials must be received by 12 noon on March 15.

Notice to all applicants: Effective January 1, 2023 The Diocesan Council has implemented a cap of $5,000 on requests to the Marge Christie Fund. Also being implemented from Diocesan Council's resolution of December 14, 2022, that applicants may apply for no more than three consecutive years (for a given project) and may only reapply after a hiatus of one year.

If application is for an outside organization or partnership of churches, select "Other" and enter name(s) below.
If not on church premises, please name other location:
(Not to exceed $5,000)
For current year
Format: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy
Format: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy
How does your congregation understand its unique context and missional calling?
Include as applicable: geographic location, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability and language.
What do you hope will be different as a result of this initiative?
Have you developed relationships with others serving the same needs or population or with other congregations?
How will members of the congregation be involved?
Describe your criteria for a successful program and the results you expect to have achieved by the end of the funding period.