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The Rev. Andrew Butler Of St. John's, Montclair: Keeping Up With Changes In Church And Society

Linda Federico-O'Murchu / Montclair Patch
The Rev. Andrew Butler of St. John's, Montclair. LINDA FEDERICO-O'MURCHU PHOTO

Rev. Andrew Butler did not take over St. John's Episcopal Church in Montclair with the intention of making waves -- but he has made an impact in his role in less than a year.

His most controversial moves were organizing a Muslim-Christian service at the Episcopal church on Montclair Avenue -- which drew a great deal of attention, some of it negative -- and his offer to transform the church premises into a homeless shelter during the winter of 2010-11.
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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 09/12/2011

Integrity Board Elects The Rev. Jon Richardson As VP Of National Affairs

The Rev. Jon Richardson

Integrity USA is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors have elected the Rev. Jon M. Richardson as Vice President of National Affairs, in accordance with the bylaws. Richardson is Priest-in-Charge at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Jersey City, and will fill the unexpired term of the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, who resigned to work full time with Bishop Christopher Senyonjo of Uganda.

Interfaith Service At St. John's, Montclair Delivers Message Of Hope And Letters Of Hate

Erika Bleiberg /
The Rev. Andrew Butler /

A few weeks back, on May 22, Reverend Andrew Butler of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Montclair held an ecumenical service, combining the traditions of Christianity and Islam. The service opened with the Islamic call to prayer sung by a muezzin from the dais, underneath the cross. “It was hauntingly beautiful,” said Butler, who printed the translation in the program so everyone could read and understand the meaning behind what they were hearing.

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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 09/14/2011

Harriman, Carroll Honored For Prison Ministry


Archdeacon Liz Ostuni
The Rev. Barbara Harriman and the Rev. Christian Carroll

On October 27, 2010, Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR), an organization dedicated to assisting offenders in local jails re-enter society after their release, honored their volunteers -- among them the Rev. Barbara Harriman, recipient of the 2010 PATCH Humanitarian Award, and the Rev. Christian Carroll, winner of the 2010 Volunteer Award.

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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 09/12/2011

Spiritual Direction: The Basics


The Rev. Dr. Robert Corin Morris
The Rev. Dr. Robert Corrin Morris

There’s very little room in our highly secularized society to talk about how faith and real life intersect. Spiritual direction or guidance, the ancient Christian art of regular, intentional “soul-talk” with a trusted spiritual friend and guide, is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how God’s grace is showing up in the ordinary circumstances of our lives.  Ideas of God can be clarified, spiritual challenges discussed, and personal spiritual frontiers explored.

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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 09/15/2011


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