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Interfaith Service At St. John's, Montclair Delivers Message Of Hope And Letters Of Hate

The Rev. Andrew Butler /
Erika Bleiberg /

A few weeks back, on May 22, Reverend Andrew Butler of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Montclair held an ecumenical service, combining the traditions of Christianity and Islam. The service opened with the Islamic call to prayer sung by a muezzin from the dais, underneath the cross. “It was hauntingly beautiful,” said Butler, who printed the translation in the program so everyone could read and understand the meaning behind what they were hearing.

While interfaith services aren’t unusual, this one drew particular attention because it was on a Sunday morning, during a regular time for church worship, and gave equal time to both religions. Many people in the congregation and the community thought it was a positive gesture, however it sparked a debate -- friendly and otherwise -- well beyond Baristaville.