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Shared ministry in the Oranges

Bruce Parker
The clergy and leadership of Epiphany, Orange and Christ Church, East Orange.

Beginning July 1 the Rev. Joseph Harmon, currently full-time Rector of Christ Church, East Orange, will divide his time between Christ Church and the nearby Church of the Epiphany in Orange where he will serve as Priest-in-Charge. The agreement, signed in May, extends for two years. Both churches are located on the same street and are only about three quarters of a mile apart, but the close proximity and the obvious budgetary advantages of sharing a clergy person account for only part of the story. More significant is the process that resulted in the decision to share a priest and the exciting benefits both churches expect to realize in addition to the cost savings.

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Tue, 06/23/2015
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/23/2015

North Porch opens satellite center in Morristown

Associated Organizations
The Rev. Ellen Kohn-Perry and Kirk Petersen
St. Peter’s Morristown Staff & Outreach Committee with the Rev. Ellen Kohn-Perry

North Porch Women & Infants’ Centers has begun providing critical supplies of diapers and formula to babies and toddlers in Morristown, after opening a satellite center at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.

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Sun, 06/21/2015
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Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 06/21/2015

Clergy Day 2016

Valerie Batts, Ph.D.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Clergy Day 2016 will feature Valerie Batts, Ph.D., founder of VISIONS, Inc., a training and consulting organization devoted to “taking diversity and inclusion to the next level.” Dr. Batts has worked with several dioceses and with the House of Bishops.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 09/06/2012

Clergy Renewal of Vows

Clergy Renewal of Vows 2015
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The annual clergy gathering on the Tuesday of Holy Week (March 22) begins at 11 a.m. with a Eucharist (Bishop Beckwith will preach and celebrate) and a Blessing of Oils. (For those of you new to the Diocese, the only clergy who vest are those who have a role in the service.)

Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 11/26/2011

Star-Ledger Op-Ed: N.J. legislators must act to take guns away from domestic abusers

In the News
Bishop Mark M. Beckwith, Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz and Imam W. Deen Shareef
Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz, Imam W. Deen Shareef and Bishop Mark Beckwith

This piece was published as an op-ed in the Star-Ledger on May 30, 2015.

This Monday, the N.J. Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee will hear bill 4218, legislation that would require domestic abusers to turn in their guns. This is just one of two critical pieces of public safety legislation currently before our state legislature. The other is Senate bill 2785/Assembly bill 4348, which fixes a dangerous gap in our state's gun background checks law.

St. James', Upper Montclair has special service for WWI members

In the News
Bob Cannon / The Montclair Times
Capt. George Stanley Butcher

[The Montclair Times] When the Rev. C. Melissa Hall became interim rector at St. James Episcopal Church in early 2014, she was surprised to discover the church had no plans for a special Memorial Day service. But her discovery of an old flag piqued her interest and encouraged her to conduct a little research. "I found it behind a couch, and I said, 'What is this?'" she recalled. "It's bordered in red. I believe there are 91 blue stars in the middle on a beige background, and across the top there are seven gold stars."

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2015
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2015


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