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Newark Shared Ministry aims to bring adult students "All the Way Up"

Kirk Petersen
Tasha Scott is one of 18 students currently enrolled in All the Way Up. KIRK PETERSEN PHOTO

Like mothers everywhere, Tasha Scott is determined to help her kids get a good education. But she faces some special challenges.

Scott, 42, is an unemployed single mother of eight children, currently living in the Apostles’ House shelter in Newark. Her children range in age from 2 to 26. She dropped out of high school when she first became pregnant, having completed the 10th grade.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 11/14/2017
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 11/14/2017

Congregations work in partnership across town, state lines to aid hurricane victims

Kirk Petersen
The Rev. Diana Wilcox and Wardens and Vestry members of Christ Church, Bloomfield & Glen Ridge with hurricane relief check

Two churches in the diocese have followed different paths to a similar destination, raising thousands of dollars in aid for the victims of the recent hurricanes.

At Christ Church, Bloomfield & Glen Ridge, the vestry voted at its September meeting to devote the entire outreach budget to provide matching gifts for hurricane relief – which prompted an unanticipated response from congregations and individuals across the diocese.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 10/17/2017
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 10/17/2017

Calvary, Summit teens offer aid and hope during summer mission trip

Church News
Alice Engel

This past June, middle and high school youth from Calvary Church in Summit spent an exhilarating week on a “Youth Works” mission trip to Lynn, Massachusetts. Twelve youth and four adults worked five days helping young and old alike through several initiatives.

The first, “My Brother’s Table,” is a local soup kitchen serving over 100 families lunch and dinner. While the youth honed their kitchen skills and learned proper nutrition, they quickly realized the best part of the day was talking with the clients and getting to know them as individuals.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 10/03/2017
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 10/03/2017

"Ashes to Go" for Ash Wednesday

Ashes to Go 2017
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

For the seventh year in a row, Episcopal congregations in towns across northern New Jersey will take to the streets on Ash Wednesday, February 14, marking the beginning of the Christian holy season of Lent by giving “Ashes to Go.”

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"Ashes to Go" to be offered across Northern NJ February 18
Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 02/18/2015

Deadline for 2018 Congregational Pledges

Friday, December 1, 2017

Congregational pledges to the diocese for the year 2018 are due December 1, 2017. Each church will be sent a form in the near future, asking for them to submit an estimate of their 2018 Normal Operating Income (NOI), their percentage pledge for 2018, and the resulting dollar pledge amount. Since the pledge cards are to be approved and signed by the Vestry, plans should be made to review the pledge in November.

Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 11/27/2016

Canonical deadline for 2016 Annual Congregational Audits

Thursday, June 1, 2017

All congregations are canonically required to submit an audit of its books and records on an annual basis; this includes audits of all accounts (operating, discretionary, endowment, and other funds).

Audits for the year 2016 are due by June 1, 2017. This was changed from September 1 by Diocesan Council several years ago.

All congregations are to use the Audit Guidelines.

Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 05/27/2017

Good Friday Stations of the Cross at sites of violent crimes in Jersey City

Media Coverage & Photo Gallery
Good Friday Stations of the Cross at sites of violent crimes in Jersey City

For the fourth Good Friday in a row, the three Episcopal congregations in Jersey City – St. Paul's in Bergen, Grace Van Vorst and Incarnation – joined with local congregations of other denominations in holding a Stations of the Cross at the sites of violent crimes. This year's event received extensive media coverage.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 05/01/2017
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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 05/01/2017

Opening The Lighthouse for asylees


The Rev. Deacon Jill Singleton
The Lighthouse

The vision for The Lighthouse came to me after visiting a man in detention at the Hudson County Correctional Facility. I was a new volunteer with First Friends of NY and NJ, and I was assigned to a man named Peter. After waiting nearly an hour to see him, his name was called and I took my seat in the visiting carrel and picked up the phone. Before I could even say “hello” to the person on the other side of the plexiglass barrier, Peter exclaimed that I was his guardian angel.

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Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Thu, 04/13/2017
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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 04/13/2017

Anti-Racism Dialogues (day 2 of 2)

Anti-Racism Dialogues
Saturday, October 14, 2017

These Anti-Racism Dialogues will be held on two consecutive Saturdays, October 7 and 14, from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Candidates standing for office at the Annual Diocesan Convention must complete anti-racism training. 

Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 02/16/2014


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