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Diocesan Communion

Communion wafers
Sun, Nov 8 2020, 12:00am

During these unusual circumstances, Bishop Hughes wants to ensure that everyone in the Diocese of Newark has the opportunity to receive Communion at least three times in this program year.

The first Diocesan Communion will be Sunday, November 8. Bishop Hughes’ intention and hope is that every congregation will be involved and that every member in the diocese will be given an opportunity to receive Communion, either by attending in person, or having the Sacrament delivered to their home contact-free.

If you haven't yet identified whether or not your congregation is celebrating Holy Eucharist on Nov. 8, please do so at this link.

For details, see the downloadable FAQ and Guide PDFs attached below.

Also attached are a Prayers of the People, and a prayer sheet to include with home distribution of Communion. For easier adaptation by congregations, the Word files are included as well as the PDFs.

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