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Commission on Aging

(Formerly known as Senior Ministries.)

The mission of the Commission on Aging is to help the diocese and its congregations establish ministries which both celebrate the involvement of aging members in congregation life and respond to the needs of aging members.

The Commission on Aging reaches out to the individual, the congregation, and the diocese. Commission members are available to assist congregations in developing active ministries to, for, of and with aging members. Tailored presentations are available on diverse topics such as:

  • Health and health insurance
  • Planning for one's later years
  • Advance Directives
  • Housing
  • Driving and when to stop driving
  • Long-term care – when and where?
  • Hospice
  • Care giving issues 
  • Memory changes… what’s normal and what’s not
  • Experiential aging
  • Identifying the needs of your aging parishioners
  • Help in developing intergenerational activities

All programs are designed to support and enrich participants, expand awareness and sensitivity, educate clergy and laity about community resources available for their use, and to provide practical answers to the concerns expressed by members of diocesan congregations. The Commission on Aging will assist individuals and congregations who have questions by providing either an answer or the name of a resource.

The Commission on Aging board meets at Episcopal House in Newark monthly, usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

Commission on Aging Board Members

Scott Bennett, Chairperson
Martha Reiner, Vice Chairperson
Mary DePinto, Secretary
Gail Barkley
Jill Eden
Erixson, The Rev. Lorna
Marymae Henley
Lorraine Jones
Jane Jubilee
Hope Lampe
Rhonda Lutz
Cynthia McChesney
Tricia Smythe