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Clergy Renewal of Vows 2021

book of Common Prayer
Tue, Mar 30 2021, 10:00am

Last year we did not hold a Holy Week service of Reaffirmation of Vows for clergy in our Diocese, as we continued to adjust to the then-new environment of pandemic. 

For this year, Bishop Hughes is asking us to gather for an online service of Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows, which will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, March 30th at 10 am (Tuesday in Holy Week). As you know, attending this service is one of the expectations that the Bishop has for clergy in this diocese. Should an unavoidable conflict arise, please let Kay Lark ( know and she will convey that to the Bishop. 

Please mark your calendar for this important service of collegiality. Additional information about the service, including Zoom information, will be sent out closer to the date. 


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