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Vestry Leadership Essentials

Vestry Leadership Essentials
Thu, Oct 3 2024, 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Dr. Rochelle (Shelly) StackhouseThis online gathering will feature Dr. Rochelle (Shelly) Stackhouse, Senior Director of Programs for Partners for Sacred Places. She will discuss the topic of their book Transitioning Older and Sacred Places: Community-Minded Approaches for Congregations and Judicatories.

Dr. Stackhouse will give an overview of how congregations and regions can explore and envision future sustainable uses of property. This topic is very broad and includes everything from community use of spaces in ways that fit ministry, to income-producing ideas that align with a congregation’s vision, all the way to selling property in ways that preserve mission.

Wardens and Treasurers are welcome to attend along with Vestry members. The Zoom information will be sent to all Vestry members, Wardens and Treasurers for whom email addresses are available.

Questions? Contact Canon Clark, Canon for Congregational Life.


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