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Pursuing Racial Reconciliation

It's Black History Month

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

"The blessing of Black History Month is it reminds us we are in relationships that are to be honored and treasured," says Bishop Hughes, "but to honor and treasure them we have to know each other better."

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 03/03/2022

Public celebration of the Feast of Absalom Jones

The Rev. Absalom Jones
Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Union of Black Episcopalians Diocese of Newark Chapter will celebrate the life and ministry of the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first person of African descent ordained a deacon and priest in the Episcopal Church.

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Celebrate Absalom Jones, the first African-American priest in The Episcopal Church February 9
Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 02/09/2014

Reflections on the removal of the Charlottesville Confederate statues

Pursuing Racial Reconciliation
The Rev. Dr. Elaine Ellis Thomas
The author (third from right) standing with friends in the park where Robert E. Lee's statue once dominated. All of them played some part, along with so many others, in the events of A11/12. MICHAEL CHEUK PHOTO

It happens every year. As the anniversary of the August 12, 2017, Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville approaches, I can feel the anxiety begin to rise. The first year, I wasn’t quite sure what was causing my dis-ease in the weeks leading up to A11/12 (as we who were there have shorthanded it). But once the 12th came, the sensitivity to loud noises, sirens, and helicopters flying overhead were pretty clear signals.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 09/21/2021
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 09/21/2021


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