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Video: Benefits from Food Programs

In the News
The Rev. Diane Riley

On an episode of Aging Insights by the New Jersey Foundation for Aging, the Rev. Diane Riley, a deacon in the Diocese of and Director for Advocacy of the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, shares information on food programs that pertain specifically to the elderly.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Wed, 03/12/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 03/12/2014

Anti-trafficking efforts intensify in advance of Super Bowl

In the News
Lynette Wilson / Episcopal News Service

[Episcopal News Service] In the months leading up to Super Bowl XLVIII, Episcopalians in New Jersey and surrounding states have been gearing up, not for the big game, but for an influx of women and children who officials say will be trafficked into the region for sexual exploitation.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 02/11/2014
Featured Settings
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In the news: Anti-trafficking efforts intensify in advance of Super Bowl
Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 02/02/2014

Be aware of what else Super Bowl 2014 brings to NJ

Star-Ledger Op-Ed
The Rt. Rev. Mark M. Beckwith, Bishop of Newark
Bishop Mark Beckwith

[The Star-Ledger] We’ve had years to plan for New Jersey’s Super Bowl, which will be played in the Meadowlands a week from today. The Meadowlands sit squarely in the heart of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, comprising more than 100 congregations in the northern third of the state — and like everyone else in the area, we have been preparing for months.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Sat, 02/08/2014
Featured Settings
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Featured Slide Title: 
Bishop Beckwith in The Star-Ledger: "Be aware of what else Super Bowl 2014 brings to NJ"
Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 02/02/2014

End of Extended Benefits Makes Hard Times Even Harder for Jobless in NJ

In the News
Hank Kalet / NJSpotlight
The Rev. Diane Riley, Deacon

The Rev. Diane Riley, a deacon in the Diocese of Newark, is quoted in this article.

[NJSpotlight] Kathy Vanco of Rahway has been out of work for six months. She has been surviving on a biweekly unemployment check of about $700. That came to an end this week, however, and now she may have to dip into her savings to make ends meet.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Thu, 12/05/2013
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In the news: Charity can't pick up the food stamp slack
Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 12/05/2013

What is human trafficking, and how can we help its victims?

Mary O'Shaughnessy
What is human trafficking, and how can we help its victims?

“Trafficking” is a sterile-sounding word used to describe an insidious form of modern slavery. Forced prostitution is a supremely poisonous version, and it often infects large sporting events. The Super Bowl, scheduled for February 2 at the Meadowlands – in our diocese – is just that kind of event.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Wed, 01/01/2014
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Featured Story: 
Featured Slide Title: 
Feature: What is human trafficking, and how can we help its victims?
Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 01/11/2014

Are you holding a Newtown anniversary service or witness? Please share your photos!


Is your church holding a service or witness the weekend of December 13-15, 2014 to remember those who died in Newtown, CT on December 14, 2012, and those who continue to lose their lives to gun violence? If so, Please send us your photos. They will be considered for inclusion in video or slideshow materials shown at our Annual Diocesan Convention next month. Photos must be received by Friday, December 20.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Fri, 12/20/2013
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 12/20/2013

N.J. congressmen have pivotal role in gun bill

Star-Ledger Op-Ed
Bishop Mark Beckwith and Bishop William Stokes
Bishops Mark Beckwith and William Stokes

[The Star-Ledger] As the country prepares to observe Saturday’s first anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., New Jersey is poised to play what we hope will be a salutary role in thus far fruitless efforts to pass legislation that would help keep guns out of the hands of those who are not allowed to own them.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 12/24/2013
Featured Settings
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Featured Slide Title: 
Star-Ledger Op-Ed: N.J. congressmen have pivotal role in gun bill
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 12/31/2013

Remembering Newtown, CT one year later: resources and services

The Justice Board
Wooden angel figures in Newtown, CT

As we approach the one year anniversary on December 14 of the violent tragedy in Newtown, CT, let us renew our commitment to pray and take action to overcome a culture of violence.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Wed, 12/18/2013
Featured Settings
Featured Story: 
Featured Slide Title: 
Remembering Newtown, CT one year later: resources and services
Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 12/14/2013

Charity can't pick up the food stamp slack

In the News
Star-Ledger Editorial Board
The Rev. Diane Riley, Deacon

[The Star-Ledger] Cuts to the U.S. food stamp program will mean 1.9 billion fewer meals for hungry Americans in 2014. That’s more than half the number of meals the country’s food banks already are expected to serve. If House Republicans succeed in cutting $40 billion more from the program over the next decade, another 1.5 billion meals will be wiped out.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Thu, 12/05/2013
Featured Settings
Featured Story: 
Featured Slide Title: 
In the news: Charity can't pick up the food stamp slack
Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 12/05/2013

Children and families in poverty - what should people of faith know?

Cynthia Esposito Lamy
Children and families in poverty

Poverty is a complex knot of multiple strands of risk entangled around children, families, and schools, constraining children’s educational and social opportunities and stifling their development. Poverty threatens children’s development from multiple angles at once, arising from the home, school and neighborhood contexts concurrently. This complexity causes otherwise caring people to throw up their hands and walk away in frustration, thinking there is nothing to be done. But a growing body of research is showing us how to untangle the poverty knot.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 11/26/2013
Featured Settings
Featured Story: 
Featured Slide Title: 
Feature: Children and families in poverty - what should people of faith know?
Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 12/04/2013


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