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Racial Justice & Equity Pilgrimage

Juneteenth Pilgrimage 2023
Sat, Jun 8 2024, 8:45am

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Join Bishop Hughes for a walking tour through the racial history of Madison, NJ.

The itinerary for this day-long pilgrimage has been developed by the Rev. George Dredden of the diocesan Racial Justice and Healing Commission, in conjunction with
Professor Jonathan Golden, Ph.D., Director of Drew University's Center on Religion, Culture and Conflict.

The pilgrimage will conclude no later than 4 PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Cost: $20 per person.

Transportation: This is a walking tour designed for those able to walk and stand for periods of time. For participants who cannot, limited transportation arrangements can be made.


8:45 AM
Gather at Grace, Madison for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.

9-9:45 AM
Introduction to the program leaders, opening prayers, and presentations.

10 AM - 12:15 PM
Professor Golden will lead the walk into downtown Madison to visit the following sites:

  • Hillside Cemetery, resting place of freedom-seeker and Civil War hero Isaac Gordon, and other formerly enslaved people, as well as notorious enslaver, William Gibbons.
  • Madison Middle School, where Jackie Robinson spoke just one year after his historic entry into Major League Baseball, heralding the rise of his Madison-born teammate, Don Newcomb.
  • Historic Bethel AME church.
  • Phillips Barbershop, site of the 1964 protests which led to the NJ Supreme Court anti-discrimination decision. Recently accepted for inclusion in the forthcoming NJ Black Heritage Trail.

12:15-1:30 PM
Lunch break at Grace, Madison with time for reflection and discussion.

1:45-3:45 PM (approximate)
Drive individually to Drew University, the site of:

  • Mead Hall, originally the home of enslaver William Gibbons and "14 free colored people."
  • The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's 1964 "American&Dream" speech.


Contact the Jane Jubilee at


Friday, May 31, 2024, 12:00pm
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