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Death in our diocesan family: The Very Rev. C. David Williams

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The Very Rev. C. David WilliamsWith sadness we share the news of the death of the Very Rev. C. David Williams, 81, on January 10, 2024.

He was ordained in the Diocese of New York where his ministry began. Later, in the Diocese of Long Island, he served as rector of St. George’s Church, Brooklyn. Subsequently his ministry brought him to the Diocese of Newark where he served as Dean of Trinity and St. Philip’s Cathedral in Newark (2000-2008). During that time he served as a Deputy to the 2003 General Convention and as a member of the Ward J. Herbert Board (2007-2008). In retirement, he remained canonically resident in this diocese while living in Hempstead, NY and regularly serving as supply clergy in the Diocese of Long Island.

His will be held Friday, February 16, 2024 at 1 PM at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, 50 Cathedral Avenue in Garden City, NY. A reception will follow the service at the Mercer School of Theology on the grounds of the Cathedral. Clergy are invited to vest and process: cassock, surplice, white stole.

Good and gracious God, the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls, you sent your servant David to be a priest and a cathedral dean in your Church, to feed your sheep with your word and to guide them by his example; give us the grace to keep the faith he taught and to follow in his footsteps. We entrust him into your unfailing mystery of Love and Hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.