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This Giving Tuesday, please join us in making a generous gift to the Alleluia Fund!

This Giving Tuesday, please join us in making a generous gift to the Alleluia Fund!

Every community is founded on stories. They are the stories we tell of how we came to be who we are, where we are, where we hope we are going, and why others might want to join us on our journey. The stories tell the community members how to act, and why.

In our Baptismal Covenant, we promise to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.

The Diocesan Alleluia Fund for Outreach gives us the chance to tell our story not just with words but with action, with examples. Participating in the ministry of the fund is indeed about proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ. The example of our giving helps us to tell the story about our faithful call as Christians to work for the coming of the kingdom here on earth.

The ministry of the Diocesan Alleluia Fund for Outreach abounds with examples of the Good News of God in Christ, all because of the example of our giving. Your donation joins with others to tell the story of the faith we have in the Good News. Your giving is a powerful example of our faith.

Please join us today in making a generous gift to the Alleluia Fund!