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Please join me in praying for Presiding Bishop Curry

Bishop Hughes and her husband David Smedley with Presiding Bishop Curry in January 2019.

Bishop Hughes and her husband David Smedley with Presiding Bishop Curry in January 2019.

This week we learned that our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, suffered a health emergency. He was treated at a hospital, appears to be stable now, and is recovering at home. (See Presiding Bishop Michael Curry receiving medical monitoring and treatment, May 30, Episcopal News Service.)

I am aware that the pace and pressure of his job is relentless. We can all be grateful for his constant message of God’s love for all people and the way he has put the Episcopal Church back into the public square. News programs refer to him as "America’s Pastor," and often after a television interview the words Episcopalian and Episcopal begin to trend in Google searches.

I sat next to him recently at Bishop Stokes' farewell dinner and saw first-hand just how many people want to talk with him and take a photo with him. He was warm and gracious with every single person, and then got up and preached an insightful and stirring sermon. He has given his all to our church in this role as Presiding Bishop.

With deep gratitude for God’s beloved son, Michael, I ask your prayers for his complete healing and restoration to good health.

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