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God, Science and Art Summer Program resumes after two-year pandemic hiatus

God, Science and Art Summer Program resumes after ywo-year pandemic hiatus
The Rev. Miguel A. Hernandez

After two years of absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Holy Trinity, West Orange resumed its annual God, Science, and Art Summer Program for the youth of the Church and in the community. The program was held in the church’s Parish Hall every Saturday afternoon from June 4 to July 2, 2022.

Each of the Program’s five sessions started with a reading from the creation story in the Bible to establish the connection between creation, science, and the gift of nature and life. We encouraged the youth to care for the environment.

The program continued with its science component, using the Radio Shack electronic kits which allowed them to discover how everyday things around them function. We also organized other hands-on projects involving painting and drawing. As was done at previous programs, the participants were introduced to new topics of advanced mathematics, such as Number Theory, the Fibonacci Sequence, the Pascal’s Triangle, and important facts about the circle and its applications.

The participants also had the opportunity to hear from several professionals who were invited to speak about their careers so that the youngsters could realize that there are numerous options for their future lives in various vocations.

It was gratifying to see the students’ interest in the program as they stayed well past closing time working on their individual projects. We express our gratitude to St. George’s, Maplewood, for the mentors they provided this year, as well as the gifts of backpacks filled with school supplies for the students.

We also would like to report that some of the past students in the God, Science, and Art Summer Program have graduated from college, and others are entering college this year.