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ANNOUNCING: Registration Open for Project Resource, Diocese of Newark, Fall 2022

Project Resource
Cynthia McChesney, Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving

You are invited to join our all-new Project Resource Stewardship Training, available to you through our diocesan partnership with the College for Bishops.

Tuesdays, September 6 through October 4,
Online via Zoom, 7 to 9 PM ET

Project Resource provides teaching, focus, and adaptable resources to equip you, the clergy and lay leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, to develop your own year-round annual stewardship campaigns and plan, ask for, and receive major gifts. Each church in the Diocese is expected to participate in this important training.

What’s new for 2022?

This year’s curriculum has been significantly updated! Some of the updates for 2022:

  • Updated: Post/current Covid strategies in light of giving research from the fall of 2021
  • New: Generational characteristic information to include Generation Z
  • Expanded messaging strategies for people of different cultural and faith traditions.
  • In depth exercises for identifying and releasing unhealthy narratives around money

Church Teams:

Project Resource training equips stewardship teams to plan and develop year-round stewardship ministries that can be replicated and adapted for years to come. An ideal church team would consist of at least 3 members including the clergyperson, stewardship ministry chair, and other committed lay leaders.

Your Church Team will complete the course with:

  • A step-by-step plan for implementing their 2022 fall annual campaign
  • A year-round stewardship calendar
  • Hands-on training on how to make personal invitations
  • Understanding generational and individual donor motivations
  • Cultural and technological strategies in light of both the presidential election and the pandemic

All Sessions will be conducted on Zoom, and recorded

To get full benefit Church Teams should plan to attend and participate in all 5 sessions, but we understand that sometimes life gets in the way. All sessions will be recorded, so if a member of your team has to miss a session, they can get caught up the same week by watching the recording. But you must register!

Offered at no cost to you, but you must register by August 15

Because we believe this training is so important, the cost to you is being fully underwritten by the Bishop’s Office (when offered in other dioceses, churches regularly pay up to $750 per individual). But you must register!

Click here to register.

Participants must register no later than Monday, August 15.

For more information, reach out to Cynthia McChesney, Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving at