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Exploring the spiritual needs of families of ONE

Faith Groups
Jane Jubilee

Motivated by the January 29 diocesan presentation on small faith groups and following the lead of the Holy Spirit, a group of individuals from throughout the diocese has begun forming a faith group of families of one. We refrain from using the term “singles” as it too often refers to those looking to find a mate, date or “better half.” Matchmaking is not the motivation of this faith group. Our purpose is to first, acknowledge this all too often ignored segment of the greater congregation (which tends to focus primarily on families of more than one), then share the different experiences and faith journeys of people who happen to be alone for any variety of reasons. This faith group is inspired to share and explore the unique spiritual needs of families of one especially during these trying times of increased isolation and constant stress.

Would you like to share and pray with others in a small group not looking to play matchmaker? Consider accepting this invitation to come together to explore and cherish our significance in the growth of our faith and God’s love and purpose for us. Virtual meetings are held 2 Monday nights each month. Please join in.

If you would like to join this faith group, please contact Jane Jubilee by email at

And let our one and one and more make two and more gathered in God’s name to see where we are led.

ZOOM meeting credentials will be offered to those who respond to this invitation.