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Bishop's Study Group: Pursuing Racial Reconciliation

Bishop's Study Group: Pursuing Racial Reconciliation through Scripture, Film, Word, and Prayer
Tue, Jan 5 2021, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Bishop's Study Group:
Pursuing Racial Reconciliation through Scripture, Film, Word, and Prayer
Six Tuesday evenings, Jan. 5 - Feb. 9, 2021

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This six-week study group will focus on building a spiritual and theological response to racial injustice. Bishop Hughes believes it will take a deep and persevering faith to maintain the sustained pressure needed to end systemic racism and white supremacy.

We will study Philippians each week. Paul’s words to the discouraged church in Philippi will inform our study of various books, articles, film, poetry, sermons, and music. Our objective will be to develop the tools needed to become the Beloved Community. Because each session will build on the work of the previous session, plan on attending four out of the six sessions to participate in the study group.

Because each session will build on the work of the previous session, plan on attending four out of the six sessions to participate in the study group.

Please register using the form below by 5 PM Friday, Jan. 8.

Preparation for this session:

  • Read Chapter 1 of Philippians
  • Watch the film Harriet

Please bring a Bible and Book of Common Prayer to every session. The full BCP is also online at


After you submit this form, the link to join the Zoom session will be sent to the email address you provided.

Registration for this study group is now full.

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