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Walkabouts of the candidates for XI Bishop of Newark

Bishop candidate walkabout. BILL ALLPORT PHOTO

To provide opportunities for the three candidates for XI Bishop of Newark and members of the diocese to meet and get to know each other, and to allow the candidates to address concerns and questions from both laity and clergy, a series of five walkabouts were held May 4-6, 2018. For the convenience of those who were not able to attend a walkabout in person, the walkabout held Saturday afternoon, May 5, 2018 was videorecorded.

To see the beginning plenary session in which each candidate made opening remarks, watch from the beginning of the video up to 24:18. The candidates' individual breakout sessions appear as follows:

  • The Rev. Canon Scott Slater at 24:22.
  • The Rev. Carlye Hughes at 1:03:53.
  • The Rev. Lisa Hunt at 1:36:21.

The election of the XI Bishop of Newark will be held Saturday, May 19, 2018.

To learn more about the search for the XI Bishop of Newark, please visit

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