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Report on the Evangelism Matters 2018 conference

Evangelism Matters 2018 conference
The Revs. Vicki McGrath, Bill Allport and Miguel Hernandez

Three clergy from the Diocese of Newark attended the Evangelism Matters Conference on March 14-17 at St. Paul’s Church in Cleveland Heights, OH. The conference was designed and convened by the Presiding Bishop’s Office of Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care and Forward Movement. The people sent by our diocese were the Rev. Dr. Bill Allport (St. Paul’s, Englewood), the Rev. Miguel Hernandez (Holy Trinity West Orange), and the Rev. Vicki McGrath (All Saints’, Millington).

In this short video (below) Bill, Miguel, and Vicki share some of what they learned, the excitement of what the Spirit is up to in the Episcopal Church, as well as connecting their experience with the work of Joining God in the Neighborhood and Going Local in our own context.

The Evangelism Matters 2018 conference website can be found here: The Evangelism Initiatives page on The Episcopal Church website is here: It has a great variety of resources for use by congregations and individuals, including ‘Beloved Community StorySharing,’ ‘Exploring Evangelism through Social Media,’ and ‘Evangelism 101.’

Intrigued? Bill, Miguel, and Vicki invite your questions and conversation about the conference and about the work of evangelism in which we “seek, name and celebrate the loving presence of Jesus in the stories of all people - and then invite everyone to more.”

Bill Allport
Miguel Hernandez
Vicki McGrath