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District 1 Starts A Social Group for Singles

Merica Gellerman (4th from left) and members of District 1's Singles Group.
Merica Gellerman

Parishioners in the far-flung District 1 of the diocese have formed Singles Social Gathering (SSG), a social group for single adults over the age of 30, regardless of religious denomination. SSG has been holding monthly social outings since the beginning of the year, including dinner and dancing at a Hackettstown restaurant, miniature golf, walking tours of Lambertville/New Hope and the Duke estate in Hillsborough, and bunco night at a local parish.

SSG was born out of a District 1 discussion regarding what parishioner needs exist that could benefit from the development of a district-wide group. Three parishioners and the rector from Church of the Messiah in Chester, a parishioner from St. James’ Episcopal Church in Hackettstown, and a parishioner from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Mount Arlington organized a meeting at the Chester Diner in October 2009, and decided to launch the group with a “meet-and-greet” pizza party on a Saturday evening in January 2010, at Church of the Messiah in Chester.

Twelve people attended the first SSG event in January, where many ideas for future events were suggested. During the evening discussion it became clear that people felt that there was a real need within the Episcopal Church for a group which focused specifically on singles. Attendees agreed that singles are in need of fellowship as much as other groups within a church. Furthermore, they indicated that as single Christian individuals they often look to the Church for social activities, as well as emotional support, but might be one of very few singles within their parish.

“I’m so happy there is a comfortable and safe singles group that offers socializing as well as interesting things to do,” said Helen, a Presbyterian who has attended several events. “It’s so nice to get out of the house and do new and interesting things with new friends,” said Linda, a parishioner at St. James'.

In addition to Episcopalians, participants in SSG events have included congregants from Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian and ecumenical churches, as well as attendees with no religious affiliation.

The next SSG event, which is scheduled for Saturday, July 24 at 12:30 pm, is lunch and a walking tour at the Gardens for Sculpture in Hamilton. The group also plans a barbeque/potluck with outdoor games on August 28, to be held at Church of the Messiah in Chester. Future tentative events for the fall include another game and pizza night at Church of the Messiah, a nature hike, and visits to the Newark Museum and Kristkindlmarkt in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

For more information about SSG or to sign up for future events, please contact Church of the Messiah ( or 908-879-7208).

Merica Gellerman is a member of Church of the Messiah, Chester.

District 1, the western-most district in the Diocese of Newark, is comprised of St. Mary's, Belvidere; Christ Church, Budd Lake; Church of the Messiah, Chester; St. James', Hackettstown; St. Luke's, Hope; St. Mark's, Mendham; St. Peter's, Mt. Arlington; St. Luke's, Phillipsburg; St. Dunstan's, Succasunna; St. Peter's, Washington.