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15 years later Hoboken remembers Sept 11, 2001

Marilyn Baer | Hudson Reporter

[Hudson Reporter] On the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, the city will host its annual 9/11 Interfaith Memorial Service at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 at Pier A Park.

According to Juan Melli, spokesman for the city of Hoboken, “The ceremony will include readings and reflections from clergy from various faiths, along with songs and a reading of the [57] names [of residents who died in the attacks].”

Friends and family of the victims will attend, along with Mayor Dawn Zimmer, council members, other elected officials, and public safety officials.

The tragedy is still fresh in the minds of many people who were in Hoboken on that day.

Laurie Wurm, a former minister at All Saints Episcopal Church on Washington Street, set up a young widows’ support group in town and became involved in helping out in other ways after the tragedy.

She remembered the morning of the attacks.