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Listening Tables: Joining God in shaping our future

Listening Tables in September 2016
Tue, Dec 6 2016, 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Listening Tables have an important role in shaping this Convention.
Didn’t have a chance to participate in September?
You’re in luck – three new opportunities have been added!

In September, about 200 people from 56 churches across the diocese gathered at three Listening Tables to listen for God in scripture and in the stories they shared with one another. In the process we experienced the hope and excitement possible when we journey together to discern what God is up to in our neighborhoods.

In response to the capacity attendance and spirit-filled engagement, three new opportunities to attend Listening Tables have been scheduled:

  • Tuesday, November 29 at Episcopal House, Newark
  • Thursday, December 1 at St. Matthew's, Paramus
  • Tuesday, December 6 at St. Peter's, Mountain Lakes
    6 - 6:30 PM Registration and refreshments
    6:30 - 8:30 PM Listening Tables

Diocesan staff and leadership are using the feedback from the Listening Tables to significantly redesign this year’s Convention. Therefore...

All Clergy and Convention Deputies are encouraged to attend a Listening Table before Convention.

Also, everyone who has attended a Listening Table is invited to this Convention, January 27-28 at the Parsippany Hilton – whether or not they are elected Deputies. The Deputies will still address the typical Convention tasks (budget, elections, resolutions, etc.), but much of the time will be spent in smaller discussion groups, focusing on the new energy that is building through the Listening Tables. We will be cultivating new modes of dialogue, listening and discerning – a new way of living together.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be updated on our diocese's journey thus far and to share your own feedback and ideas!

Space is limited – register online now!

God is up to something. Let's find out together!

PDF icon LT-NovDec2016-flyer_2.pdf671.99 KB

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