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Video: "Joining God in Shaping Our Future" presentation

Joining God in Shaping Our Future, a Convention presentation by the Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, the Rev. Ginny Dinsmore and Suzanne Willian, offers a snapshot of the initiatives our diocese is engaged in currently and will be rolling out over the course of the year. (Video duration: 27:24.)

In this update you will hear about Going Local, an initiative that invites clergy and congregations on a journey together where relationships are formed and developed with God, each other, and our neighbors so that we can continue to join God’s mission.

You will also hear about the Action Learning Pilot Initiative, which involves four teams of lay and clergy using an intentional problem solving approach to offer recommendations for actions on two key challenges we face in our diocese.

This presentation draws attention to these and additional paths essential for the journey we are on as we join God in shaping our future.