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Fourth BCEF Call of 2015: St. David's, Kinnelon

An acolyte at work in St. David's sanctuary.

The Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund (BCEF) provides financial support for church buildings in the diocese needing repairs and renovation, usually with a special focus on emergency and unforeseen needs. Through the BCEF, you can support the critical needs identified by the Bishop. The fourth BCEF call of 2015 is for new doors and windows for the rectory at St. David's Church in Kinnelon.

St. David’s Episcopal Church in Kinnelon is a vibrant parish that seeks to be good stewards of their physical plant, always with the goal of enabling greater mission and outreach. The first services of the mission church were held in 1960 but it took only a year for the congregation to purchase property at its present location and then, a year later, for construction to begin on a church building with a rectory directly behind it. The name of St. David was chosen to honor the Patron Saint of Wales, a country with a topography resembling that of Kinnelon. Attaining parish status in 1972, the congregation grew significantly and in 1981 construction was begun on an addition to the church.

Today St. David’s beautiful new website describes a worshipping community with strong lay and clergy leadership and an impressive commitment to mission. Each month the parish provides grocery cards to ten under-privileged families in the surrounding area. St. David’s operates a food pantry each Sunday and brings music and fellowship to a local retirement community one Sunday each month. On weekdays a parish program called Willing Hands ministers to young adults with developmental problems. And these are only some of the parish’s outreach ministries.

But like many of our congregations, St. David’s is challenged by costs of maintaining the physical plant that enables these ministries. A year ago the parish began an innovative and successful Adopt-a-Project program. Vestry members attended Vestry University and learned how to create an effective Property Committee. With the assistance of the Ward J. Herbert Fund, the parish received funding to assist with new roofs and much work has been accomplished in the rectory including the replacement of non-functioning appliances.

The vestry credits Diocesan Property & Risk Manager Jim Caputo with providing invaluable advice in prioritizing these initiatives. With the winter approaching, the most urgent need is for the replacement of dysfunctional sliding windows and doors in the rectory. At present this emergency situation results in unacceptable drafts, loss of heat, and even allows snow to enter the rectory during storms. Call #4 of 2015 asks for your generous support of this project. Your help will both ease St. David’s financial situation and acknowledge the importance of the critically needed ministries they undertake in their community.


The Rt. Rev. Mark M. Beckwith
Bishop of Newark