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Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry of NJ to speak in favor of gun safety bill

The Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry of NJ will read a statement in Trenton before an important vote that is taking place on N.J. Senate bill S2360, which would make it more difficult for a person with a documented history of mental illness to buy a gun.

In a rare display of unity, Democratic and Republican legislators passed the bill in June, but it was vetoed by Gov. Chris Christie. An override vote is scheduled for September 24, 2015. If successful, the override would be the first in Christie's tenure.

The Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry of NJ will represent New Jersey Lutherans and Episcopalians by making the following statement:

In the face of violence in our state, God’s resolve for peace in human communities is unshakable. Deliberate acts to harm or kill innocent people violate God’s intention for human community. The Episcopal Church and the Lutheran Church (ELCA) call upon the legislature to support efforts that reduce violence and keep our communities safe.

The bill (S2360) to be voted on today is one such attempt. It would require local, county and state law enforcement officers to be alerted when people with a history of serious mental illness ask a judge to expunge their record of psychiatric treatment so they may buy a firearm.

Responding to a request by the judiciary, this bill would provide judges with relevant information regarding a person’s history when they are making important decisions on the expungement of records. This legislation could impact public safety and the safety of the petitioner.

We are committed to do all that we can to prevent violence in our communities and we ask our legislature to do the same. This is a common sense prevention bill. Often when we learn of God’s people being harmed by violence in the home or on the street, it appears so unexpected or random. On those occasions where we have knowledge of the possibility of violence, and have the means to prevent it, we must act! Not acting, when we have the possibility to prevent violence is egregious. We have a moral obligation to do all that is possible on behalf of those who may be  harmed to pass legislation that will keep God’s children safe. We urge the Senators to vote in favor of this legislation.

May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!
Psalm 29:11