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Parochial Report "Page 5" form ending - but sharing of stories continues

For the last three years we've invited congregations to share their stories of mission and transformation along with their parochial reports, in a new format we called the Parochial Report "Page 5." It was a good experiment. We learned a lot, and we gathered some great stories.

One of the unexpected bonuses of the "Page 5" experiment was our discovery that congregations were no longer waiting until Parochial Report time to share their stories of mission and transformation, but instead were becoming proactive about sending them to the Communications Office as they happened. It is now possible for these stories to be shared throughout the year as feature articles on the diocesan website, in The VOICE Online, and later in the Mission Minutes videos shown at Convention.

So while the formal structure of the "Page 5" form is being retired, we continue to encourage congregations to share with us your stories of mission and transformation using the Send News form. Describe what you did (mission) and what happened (transformation), including photos or videos to illustrate, and we'll publish them so that we can continue to learn from and celebrate with one another.