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Fifth BCEF Call of 2014: Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center

The old stage at Cross Roads Camp, before it was removed during the renovations.
John King, Director of Administration

In the densely urbanized geography of our diocese, it is hard to fathom sometimes that there is any area that is so pristine and rural and surrounded by the wonders of God’s creation. Where do we find the opportunity to reconnect our spirit with the vastness of nature? A place where we can go for a brief respite, for renewal, and for gathering in God’s community? We are blessed to have as a resource of the diocese such a place. Within an hour’s drive of the farthest extremes of the diocese – Cross Roads Camp in Port Murray, New Jersey.

Cross Roads, jointly run with the Lutheran Synod of New Jersey, provides year-round camp and conference facilities. Our Diocesan Council has moved their annual retreat to the modern and comfortable Christ Center, and growing numbers of our youth have begun to discover the wonders of nature through the excellent summer camping program which runs from June through August. Cross Roads also offers weekend retreats for children of all ages as well as spiritual weekends for seniors, and men’s and women’s groups.

The facilities at Cross Roads are being continually upgraded to provide more modernized amenities to accommodate new and creative events. The Paul Robeson hall, named for the famed New Jersey singer and activist who was historically linked to the camp, is a large Quonset Hut-style building that acts as the gymnasium and dramatic center of the camp. It is currently undergoing a major renovation after years of use. The hall had a stage in which dramatic plays , various presentations and worship services were held. Due to the renovations, the old stage had to be removed. The plans proved too cost-prohibitive to rebuild the former stage, and concepts have emerged to create a portable stage system that can greatly improve facility use. This fifth call of the BCEF will fund the stage, and provide for future campers the platform on which to develop creatively and spiritually.

Cross Roads focuses a tremendous amount of time and energy to provide a nurturing environment for the Christian Formation of our youth. We encourage you to give generously to support the work of Cross Roads, as they renovate an integral part of the camp property.