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Diocesan staff departure: Kitty Kawecki to retire at end of 2014

Kitty Kawecki at Diocesan Convention 2011

With divided hearts, we share the news that long-time diocesan staff member Kitty Kawecki, Director of Resources & Training, has announced her intention to retire at the end of 2014.

Kitty began working at Episcopal House in August 1998, initially for 1½ days a week managing the Bishop Anand Resource Center. As she pursued her interests in working with the Christian Formation Commission and developing the Creative Congregations workshops (the precursor to Vestry University), her position grew to become the full-time Director of Resources & Training.

During Kitty's tenure she supported the ministries of three diocesan bishops – John Shelby Spong, John Palmer Croneberger and Mark M. Beckwith – as well as assistant bishops Jack McKelvey and Carol Gallagher. Along with the Bishop Anand Resource Center, the Christian Formation Commission, and Creative Congregations and later Vestry University, her contributions have included overseeing Safe Church Training and NAMASTE/Anti-Racism Dialogues for the diocese, and organizing liturgies and preparing bulletins for Convention, confirmations and ordinations.

“I love my job and working here has enriched my life beyond measure,” Kitty said when she announced her retirement to the Episcopal House staff.

“Kitty is a consummate team player who has always had the best interests of the congregations at heart,” said Bishop Mark Beckwith. “She’s brought so many gifts to the Episcopal House staff, one of which is her ability to identify details and issues we otherwise might not have thought of.”

Plans for finding a successor for Kitty’s role will be announced in the next few weeks.