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The 2014 Hegg Lifetime Achievement Award Honorees

The 2014 Hegg Lifetime Achievement Awards

On June 22, 2014, 79 members of the diocese were honored with the David P. Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Award at the 18th annual Senior Ministries Evensong, held at Christ Church in East Orange with the Rt. Rev. Mark M. Beckwith, Bishop of Newark, officiating.

This album contains photos by Nina Nicholson and Russ Worthington. All photos are high-resolution, suitable for printing.

Below the photo album is the autobiographical information about each honoree prepared by their sponsoring congregation.

Harriet Lee Weening – Calvary Church, Bayonne

Before joining Calvary Episcopal Church, Bayonne, in 1979, Lee was a member at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Tottenville, Staten Island, New York. Since becoming a member at Calvary, Lee has been an active participant in parish life and has served, and continues to serve, in a variety of ways. She has been a member of the Vestry, taught Sunday School, and served as Chalice Bearer. At the present time, she is a lector, schedules lay readers and acolytes, sings in the choir and is the choral leader, leads Morning Prayer, participates in fund raising activities, and attends the Diocesan Convention as one of our delegates. We are proud to honor Lee and we thank her for her devoted service.

Sheila Jackson – Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge

Sheila Jackson is the very core of our Altar Guild. Her quiet leadership and attention to detail ensures that we are always ready to welcome Christ into our midst. She is never one to seek attention to all that she does, and so we are happy to nominate her for this much deserved award.

Dolores "Dodi" Dalzell – Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge

Dodi is a faithful member of the Altar Guild – always there doing all she can. Her smile and gentleness is a joy to everyone who works with her.

Alberta Moricz – St. John's Church, Boonton

For almost a half century Allie has dedicated herself in so many ways to the health and spirituality of St. John’s in Boonton. She is kind, unselfish and humble. Today she serves as Warden, as well as a member of the Altar Guild, Choir, and Hospitality teams.

Linda & Norman Pugliese – Church of the Messiah, Chester

Linda and Norm started attending The Church of the Messiah 25 years ago when Joe Pickard was the Vicar and the church met in the basement of a barn! The new building was dedicated in the Fall of 1992. In 2001 the Diocese forgave the large mortgage, and Messiah was debt free and eligible for Parish status.

Both Norm and Linda have weathered trying times and adventures at Messiah and have continued their worship and enjoyed the fellowship. Norm has been the Treasurer (while still a Mission) and served on the Vestry and the Finance Committee. Linda helped with Vacation Bible School and goes on the annual mission trip. Other duties have included ushering and reading. We are proud to honor them today.

Candace L. & Richard E. Wagoner, Jr. – Church of the Saviour, Denville

Candy Wagoner has been a member of Church of the Saviour since 1957. She was one of the first Lay Eucharistic Ministers in the Diocese of Newark. Candy has served twice as Warden of the Vestry and has been a Vestry member numerous times. She has sung in the choir and has taught Sunday School and has been Superintendent of the Sunday School.

Rich Wagoner has been a member of the Church of the Saviour since 1967. Rich has served as Warden of the Vestry twice and has been a Vestry member numerous times. Rich has led Stewardship campaigns, taught Sunday school, sung in the choir and served as a Lay Eucharistic Minister. As Warden he oversaw a major building construction of the parish linking the church with its parish hall; and during his second term as Warden he saw the parish through a difficult transition after the long-time rector left the parish.

Candy and Rich met at a youth group meeting as teenagers and they have been together ever since. They will be celebrating 40 years of wonderful marriage this August. They continue to serve the parish as ushers, greeters and are involved in many Parish Life activities.

Charles D. Warner, Jr. – Church of the Saviour, Denville

Dudley was baptized and confirmed at Church of the Redeemer Morristown and was a member of their choir, and member of the Young People's League and basketball league until 1962. He then joined St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Morris Plains where he served on the building and grounds committee, was a member of the Vestry and served as both Jr. and Sr. Warden. He served as a St. Paul's Player (raising money for the Bishop's World Fund). He went on a Mission Trip to Ponce, Puerto Rico with other church members to work in a church summer school.

Dudley joined Church of the Saviour in 1996 and has been a member of the choir, served on the building and grounds committee, helps with the rummage sales and fundraiser spaghetti dinners, and annual tricky tray. He has also played Santa Claus at the church's Christmas Eve service!

Dudley thanks the Vestry and members of the Church of the Saviour for accepting him into their fold and bestowing this honor upon him. He is deeply touched and truly blessed.

Charles Gray – Christ Church, East Orange

Charles (Papa) Gray, a native of Guyana, is a longtime member of Christ Church in East Orange. Married to Muriel (Mama) Gray, for over 20 years he worked as a diesel mechanic and air-conditioning technician for the NYC Transit Authority until his retirement in 2008. Charles now freely brings those skills in carpentry, air-conditioning and plumbing to aid the ministry and mission of Christ Church. Whether laying floor tile, fixing walls and masonry, tearing down and reassembling our mammoth furnace, or running new pipes, Charles' dedication to God's church and our congregation is manifested in his loving acts of service above and beyond the call of duty. Papa Gray is the life of the party, loves to dance and also spends time as a neighborhood volunteer.

Clarence Fitzherbert Archer – Christ Church, East Orange

An active member and currently Sexton, Clarence Fitzherbert Archer has worn many hats at Christ Church in East Orange. A cradle Anglican from his homeland of Guyana, Clarence has served on the parish Outreach Committee, Buildings and Grounds, Vestry, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Stewardship Committee, and as an Usher; he is an Honorary member of the Altar Guild.

As Sexton, Clarence continues to be of service to the many people and groups that attend and visit Christ Church, always willing to lend a hand to offer hospitality and to attend to every need. Responsible, concerned, willing, dependable and helpful are all words that characterize Clarence Archer. A husband, father and brother, Clarence wholeheartedly offers his service above and beyond the call of duty as part of his stewardship of the gifts with which God has blessed him.

Brendolyn Atkins – St. Agnes & St. Paul's, East Orange

Brendolyn has been an ardent member of St. Agnes & St. Paul's Church for many years. Since joining this congregation she has been exceptional at any task she undertakes, whether on the Lenten Gleaner, International Night or Harvest Ball Committees.

Brendolyn is a committed member of the Hospitality and Counting Team. These duties she performs quietly, unassumingly and without "fanfare". She is very "time conscious" and will voice her opinion to any leader.

Brendolyn is well deserving of this award for her faithfulness, diligence, and commitment to duty.

Karen Mitchell – All Saints' Church, Glen Rock

Karen has been a faithful member of All Saints Church for more than 35 years. She has been, among other things, a Sunday School teacher, ECW president, Vestry member, Confirmation sponsor, member of the Outreach, Hospitality, and Pastoral Care committees, Eucharistic Minister and chair of the wildly successful Centennial yearlong celebrations and dinner dance. Whatever Karen is asked to do, she does spectacularly well.

Andrea Tissot-Rebner – St. Clement's Church, Hawthorne

Andrea, a cradle Episcopalian, was baptized at Trinity Kearney, worshiped at St. Paul's North Arlington, and then joined St. Clement's a decade ago. She is currently serving her second term on the vestry, chairs the Parish Life Committee, and leads the Youth Group. She also sings in the choir. Previously she co-chaired the Welcome Committee and chaired the Fellowship Committee.

She and her husband Randy have been married for 25 years and have one son, Robert, who graduates from high school this year. Andrea has served as a band parent for the Hawthorne Band and she is the treasurer of the Volunteer Railroaders Association. She is employed as the Business Manager at Acme Engraving in Passaic. She holds an AA degree from the Newark School of Fine and Industrial Arts.

John Lees – St. Clement's Church, Hawthorne

John Lees, a cradle Episcopalian, was baptized at St. Paul's Paterson. He attended Rider College and graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a BS in management. He served in the Marine Reserve holding the rank of Lance Corporal. He is retired following a long career in office supply sales.

John came to St. Clement's in 1998. He has served two terms as warden and is presently on the vestry where he chairs the Stewardship Committee. He has chaired the Membership Committee and served as a deputy to Diocesan Convention. He has been a member of the choir and currently serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and is a regular member of the parish Bible Study Group.

Gail & Wade Bates (Wade posthumously) – Holy Trinity Church, Hillsdale

Gail and Wade Bates are longtime members of Holy Trinity. Wade was second generation growing up at HTC. His father joined the parish at age 10 and that would make a Bates at HTC for 100 years in 2015. Gail was baptized at Trinity Church, Cliffside Park, and joined HTC when she and Wade were married there in September 1964.

Both have held many leadership positions over the years. As a child, Wade sang in the choir, and he started as Sexton at age 15, later serving multiple terms on the Vestry and as Warden. Until the day he died, he was constantly making sure that our facilities were in tip-top shape, even if it meant he was refinishing the floors himself. He was instrumental in running our longtime Boy Scout program, and led HTC's involvement in the Christ Church CDC, including our volunteer overnights at Peter's Place.

Gail's leadership during her fifty years at HTC has also been extraordinary. She too has served multiple terms on the Vestry and as Warden, including during times of clergy transition. She was our first Lay Minisitry/Outreach chair on the Vestry in the 1970's and served as the representative to the first Board of Directors for Hillsdale House as the facility was being planned. She later served as Board President. She has chaired countless fundraisers and social events for the congregation.

Diane & John Tekirian – Holy Trinity Church, Hillsdale

In their many years as members of HTC's congregation, Diane and John have served in a number of leadership roles. Both have served on the Vestry, and Diane has also served as Warden.

John spent several years on the Vestry leading our stewardship efforts, helping to shore up our finances. He has also served as an usher, a diocesan delegate, and has led our congregational volunteer efforts at the Helping Hand food pantry, an interfaith outreach program run jointly by Hillsdale's four Christian congregations. Whenever there is a social or fundraising project, John is right there in the middle of it, often quite literally doing the heavy lifting.

Mothers' Day is a special day at HTC. The gentlemen of the parish cook breakfast, and, for many, many years, John has led the traditional serenade of the mothers. There is always laughter, but the cameras come out and more than a few eyes get dabbed.

Beyond serving on the Vestry and as Warden for multiple terms, Diane has represented HTC on the Boards of both Hillsdale House and the Helping Hand food pantry. A master of organization, she's served on our Altar Guild, been a Diocesan delegate, run blood drives, bake sales, progressive dinners, and chaired the ushers.

A longtime lay reader/eucharistic minister, Diane's is often the friendly face that newcomers and visitors alike encounter when they walk through our doors.

John Norcross – St. Luke's Church, Hope

John has been a member of St. Luke's in Hope for over 15 years and has served on the Vestry and as a warden. He has overseen countless buildings and grounds projects and is a gifted lector. His faith in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and his gifts for listening and communication have been invaluable as we have walked the path of relationship with our sister Church, St. Mary's in Belvidere. Most recently, he has worked diligently as the new Board Chairman for Haven of Hope for Kids, a ministry for families with critically ill children. John's devotion to God is apparent in all the ways he dedicates himself to the community.

Lydia Threatt – Church of the Incarnation, Jersey City

Lydia was born Lydia Jane Herring on September 25, 1932 to Fred and Jerusha Herring in Delway, NC. She was confirmed at The Church of the Incarnation in January 1958 during Fr. Eugene Avery's tenure.

She served on the Usher Board, Altar Guild, taught Sunday School for several years and worked with Mrs. C. Stinson on the Cotillion committee of Incarnation for 10 years. Lydia also served as Church Treasurer from 1989 to 2001 and Parish Administrator for eight years.

She have been an active member of the choir since 1990, President of the ECW for many years and is now serving as Vice President. She volunteers at Incarnation's Outreach Ministry, "Welcome Table" on the third Fridays and Saturdays at the food pantry and Fourth Mondays at our 4th Monday Dinner feeding the hungry and homeless.

Kathleen E. Simon – Church of the Incarnation, Jersey City

Kathleen Simon has been an active member of Church of the Incarnation for over thirty years. During this time, she has held various roles in the Parish which include Vestry Member, Clerk of the Vestry, and Associate Treasurer. Her other leadership roles include Vice President of the International Committee and Co-Chair of the Centennial Committee. She is also a member of the ECW and the Incarnation Choir. She has served as an elected member for District 6 and a Delegate to Convention for the last five years.

Ms. Simon continues to support the Church of the Incarnation in its new music ministry plans where the choir visits various congregations in the Diocese to present uplifting and engaging music. The hope is that this ministry will help to lift the spirit of everyone who hears it and inspires each one to service in Christ’s vineyard.

Myrrthlyn Bowers – St. Paul's in Bergen, Jersey City

Myrrthlyn (“Lynn”) Bowers has been a member of St. Paul’s Church in Jersey City for more than twenty years. During that time she has served the church in numerous roles including as a vestry member, coordinator of church events and overseer of the church buildings and grounds. For many years she has served as church treasurer and treasurer of our summer camp program, serving dozens of local children every year. Blessed with a gentle spirit, a keen intelligence, a sharp sense of humor and a capacity for much hard work, Lynn is a much-loved member of the St. Paul’s community.

Janice Jerido – St. Paul's in Bergen, Jersey City

Janice Jerido has played a large role in the lives of three Episcopal churches in Jersey City. She became a member of Grace Church Van Vorst in the late 1950s where she served on the yearly bazaar committee. In 1968 Janice moved to the Greenville section and became a member of St. Matthew’s Church where she became involved in the Christmas bazaar and yearly dinner dance. Eventually she became senior warden at St. Matthew’s, serving until the closing of the church. In 1984 Janice was awarded the Bishop’s Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Service to the Diocese of Newark. Since arriving at St. Paul’s, Janice has taught Sunday School, worked on our bazaars and continues to serve as an usher, using her lifetime of knowledge and natural warmth to welcome everyone to our church.

Irene Williams – St. David's Church, Kinnelon

Reliable and resilient describe Irene Williams who has been a member since 1980. She has offered her many gifts in such ministries as a parish fundraiser for ACTS/VIM, leader of the single adult group, many fundraising events including the annual plant sale and silent auction, active in fellowship events, for all six years assisted in providing food for the Brake the Hunger Cycle Tour. Present ministry offerings include membership on Vestry, the "Going Local" Guiding Team, Budget and Finance Committee, Altar Guild, and Greeter. Also, she enjoys the book group and the tai chi group offered at the church. We give God thanks for Irene and her many offerings of her time and talent.

Donna & Roy Stevenson – Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Lincoln Park & Montville

Donna and Roy renewed their vows earlier this year on their 5th anniversary. They both feel very humbled by this honor.

Currently they are both very active in the ministries of the church. Donna serves as Worship Leader, Eucharistic Minister, is on the Altar Guild, and volunteers in our Thrift Shop. Also, she personally sees that the Acolytes are in order both before and after worship each Sunday. Roy, as a Vestry member, was instrumental in our transition from two Churches, Saint Andrews and Transfiguration, to the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church of Lincoln Park and Montville Township. For example, he wrote our by-laws and now serves as a Warden.

As ongoing members of the parish they have continued to encourage the integration of both parishes by personally supporting our collective range of ministries. Their Rector finds them exemplary of active and committed seniors—bearing witness to mature and active leadership, and always with a gentile spirit.

Dorothy Meador – St. Agnes' Church, Little Falls

Dorothy Meador has been a member of St. Agnes' since 1965. As President of the ECW she organized bus trips to various locations, games at Preakness Healthcare Facility, the knitting of scarfs, hats and other items for the Seamen's Institute and the collection of Christmas gifts for caretakers of children whose parent/s are incarcerated.

Dorothy has served on the vestry and helps with hospitality, many times hosting coffee hour and encouraging everyone to host coffee hour after the church service so we can all gather and spend time with one another.

Dorothy helps at the church dinners by organizing the salad bar and other food areas.

Dorothy is a faithful volunteer of the Food Pantry at St. Agnes' and has roughed the harshest weather to make sure she is present to help distribute food to people in need.

Brian & Elizabeth Smith – Grace Church, Madison

Members since moving from England nearly 40 years ago, Elizabeth is former directress and active member of the altar guild and flower guild; Brian serves as an usher and collection counter. Both are willing volunteers and enthusiastic participants in parish activities and outreach ministries.

Marjorie Paul – Grace Church, Madison

Margie has been a member for nearly 50 years. As a young mom she taught Sunday School. In recent years, she has been a collection counter and a deliverer of altar flowers to shut-ins, and for the last nine years has organized and coordinated Grace's regular days of service at the Community Soup Kitchen in Morristown.

Lancey & Thomas Clough – St. George's Church, Maplewood

Lancey and Tom Clough have been active and ardent members of St. George's for over twenty years.

Lancey, a retired wardrobe professional for film, television and theatrical productions and Tom, a highly skilled carpenter who built our new Aumbry, where the reserved sacrament is kept, have exhibited their talents throughout St. George's. Their abiding spiritual faith is evident in their artistic and artisanal touch on everything from the doors of the church, to the pews, the altar and the grounds.

Lancey, a longtime member of The Altar Guild and the Property Committee, also shows her influence in our Cloister Garden and teaches classes in candle-making, needleworking and Icon-writing. Her fabric skills are evident in the vestments, altar frontals and linens she has designed for us. She and Tom are both valued and invaluable members of our church community.

Joseph Hall – All Saints' Church, Millington

Joe has so often been the ballast at All Saints', Millington.He has served on the Vestry, and as a deputy to Diocesan Convention. He devised our system of Counters and Tellers for the Sunday collection and served as Head Teller for many years. Joe has been on several Rector's Search committees, and on every interview committee for our Director of Music position. Joe chaired the Organ Campaign and served as Major Gifts chairman for the Centennial Capital Campaign. Joe has sung in our choir for more than twenty years, along with his wife, Nancy. His most recent achievement has been learning to play in our newly-formed handbell choir. Joe's calm presence, wise counsel, steady attention to detail and strong friendship have been a blessing and a benefit to All Saints'. Thank you, Joe!

The Rev. Oscar Mockridge & Anne Mockridge – St. Luke's Church, Montclair

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others”. This quote from Mahatma Gandhi exemplifies the work of Oscar and Anne Mockridge.

Ordained in 1965, Oscar began his ministry in Irvington and subsequently served in several parishes in the diocese.Subsequently, he was a director of homeless shelters in New York City and later counseled the chronically mentally ill. In addition to serving the diocese in Youth Ministries, Oscar has chaired Senior Ministries, and is still a member of its board. A passionate advocate for social justice and the disabled, Oscar was one of the founding members of the Bethsaida Team for the Disabled.Although retired since 2004, Oscar continues to minister weekly to a group of Alzheimer ‘s patients.A lifelong member of St. Luke ‘s, Montclair, Oscar and Anne have been married for 50 years.

Anne Mockridge ‘s service to others has touched hundreds of people throughout the diocese.Her work in the community as a medical social worker and her skill in navigating systems set the stage for activities she has continued since her retirement in 2006.Anne has held numerous leadership roles at St. Luke ‘s, including vestry, Toni ‘s Kitchen Advisory Committee, and the Spiritual Enrichment Team.She is a fearless project manager, having lead several renovation projects at St. Luke ‘s, including most recently a project to fully renovate the church ‘s kitchen.In addition, she has held leadership roles in other nonprofit organizations in the Montclair area and is currently a member of the board of the Montclair Shared Housing Association.Working tirelessly as an advocate for those in need, Anne ‘s concern for others, her compassion, and her spirit have touched the lives of many.

Bruce Rand – St. Peter's Church, Morristown

Bruce Rand has been a very active member of St. Peter's Church for more than 20 years, lending his talents to the financial, operational and cultural management of the church. He has been a member of the Vestry and recently concluded two terms as Warden. Using his professional expertise, he served on and chaired the Finance Committee, helping to revise the financial policies. Among his many ministries, Bruce has served as a lector, chalice bearer, on the Rector Search Committee, and has spear-headed the installation of a Memorial Walkway and the compilation of stories of the people honored on the bricks. He spent countless hours on the committee overseeing the recent preservation of our historic bell tower, and is an enthusiastic supporter of the Music at St. Peter’s concert series.

Bruce’s love of God and of St. Peter’s Church is evident through his generous and faithful service, and we are proud to honor him with the David P. Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Award.

James A. Ferguson – St. Peter's Church, Mountain Lakes

Jim is a long time Mountain Lakes resident who's been involved in several aspects in the life of St Peter's parish. Jim is a man of faith who "stays the course – holding fast" for St Peter's in the community & beyond.

With Jim's financial background, he was a past chair of our Finance Committee ... still serving in that ministry. He is a trustee of St.Peter's Endowment Fund, served several terms on the vestry, acolyte coordinator, long time Choir member, a Lay Eucharistic Minister, and a regular member of the St Peter's @ St John's (Boonton) Outreach Saturday Luncheon Team.

We are pleased to add Jim to the list of St Peter's parishioners who serve others in the Community and the world for this Lifetime Achievement Award for 2014.

The Rev. Canon Wade Renn & Mary Ann Renn – House of Prayer, Newark

As honorees of the House of Prayer in Newark, Wade and Mary Ann Renn have shared a ministry that has touched countless people in countless ways. Early on, Wade served as a missionary priest in Zambia, helping to prepare young men for leadership. Returning, he became rector of Grace Church, Nutley for 23 years. Following his retirement in 1996, Wade has continued to live the mission of the diaconate, serving all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely. Most recently, Wade founded the Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless, which began as a ministry of sleeping bags to those in need, to its current status as a shelter and feeding program involving multiple houses of worship in Montclair. For the past seven years, Wade has extended his ministry to residents of Newark, introducing an annual community health fair in collaboration with UMDNJ. His entire ministry, from the beginning, has been characterized by servant hood, serving others through deeds and compassion.

Mary Ann Renn, a lifelong member of the Diocese of Newark, has worked tirelessly in many roles to improve the lives of others facing unfortunate circumstances. Working quietly behind the scenes, she is well known throughout the Diocese as a leader and a dedicated volunteer. Mary Ann was the first woman to be elected to the vestry of Grace Church, Newark. In 2004, while a member of the vestry of St. Luke’s, Montclair, she accepted a challenge to reorganize and revitalize the operations of Toni’s Kitchen, a food ministry of St. Luke’s Church. During her tenure as the volunteer coordinator at Toni’s Kitchen, the kitchen tripled the number of meals served, broadened its outreach to the community, and became a self-sustaining ministry. Mary Ann’s outreach has extended throughout the diocese to others. Most recently, her ministry has been evident within House of Prayer, Newark where her organizational abilities and compassion for others have facilitated House of Prayer’s outreach to the community. Mary Ann’s life and ministry are true examples of Matthew 25:35: “I was a stranger and you took me in. I was hungry and you fed me.”

Marian Williams – Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral, Newark

Marian Williams became a member of St. Philip's Church in her teens. It was here she started singing in the choir. When the church was destroyed by fire in the 60's, the congregation merged with Trinity Cathedral,Newark (now Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral), and she has continued to sing in the choir to the present.

Marion has also taught Sunday School, is currently the recording secretary for T&SPC's Episcopal Church Women, and is currently a first time Vestry member. She also volunteers to help other organizations and clubs in the church where needed.

Marian is a lifelong resident of Newark, with six adult children. She earned an Associate Degree in Sociology, and a BS Degree in Social Work, by attending college at night. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Newark. She worked in the educational system for over 30 years, at 18th Ave. School in Newark. The school auditorium was renamed in her honor when she retired.Marian is 83yrs old and says," I plan to be supportive to my church and community, as long as God gives me the strength to do so.

Joan & Charles Bloschock – Grace Church, Nutley

Following long associations with Christ Church, Belleville and Church of the Advent, Bloomfield, Joan and Charles joined Grace Church in 1996 when Church of the Advent closed. They support Grace Church’s functions and dinners with their kind and cheerful presence. Joan is a member of the ECW and Charlie is on Sunday Flower Delivery. Charlie has made a video and photos of several church events. He volunteers his time at Mountainside Hospital as a friendly visitor, and also volunteers in Hospice. Their experience with the three churches in the diocese have given them a broad group of friends from around the Diocese of Newark. We are always impressed with how they seem to know so many people.

Grace Benson Oliff – Church of the Annunciation, Oradell

Grace Oliff has been a lifelong member of the Church of the Annunciation. Her involvement in the life of the church has included teaching Sunday School for a substantial number of years, as well as directing the annual church Christmas pageant. She has been active in fundraising, running the annual spaghetti dinner, and the International Food Festival. She has served on the Vestry as Clerk, Junior Warden, and Senior Warden. She serves as a licensed Lay Eucharistic Minister and licensed Lay Worship Leader. Grace is also Directress of the Altar Guild.

Hyacinth Morgan – Church of the Epiphany, Orange

Hyacinth Morgan has been a faithful and dedicated member of the Church of the Epiphany for over 25 years.

She supports all of the ministries of the church, especially the choir and the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. She is well known for her culinary skills and can always be found in the kitchen at our special services and events.

She and her husband of 44 years, have 3 children and 7 grandchildren.

James Albro – St. Matthew's Church, Paramus

The word that defines Jim Albro is devotion – as he is completely devoted to St. Matthew's. Jim grew up in the church helping the congregation grow wherever he could and he is still doing just that – most recently by keeping a non-leaking roof over our heads. Whether the event is a fundraiser, a fellowship dinner or feeding the homeless at a local shelter, Jim is always willing to help. He is especially deserving of this life-long service recognition as a recipient of the David P. Hegg Award.

Janet Herrick – St. Matthew's Church, Paramus

For many years Janet has been a leader and teacher for St. Matthew’s Sunday School. She is well known for entertaining the children with her skills in arts and crafts while involving them in the experience. She has also led the Youth Group in meetings and activities such as dances and fundraising for a favorite charity, the Bergen County Animal Shelter. She hosts the Christmas party and Church picnic on many occasions and continues to plan and host St. Matthew’s Easter egg hunt each year. Janet is truly a gift to our church community.

Elizabeth Schuller – St. John's Church, Passaic

Elizabeth Schuller has been always willing to help over many years. Many remember her welcome to parish functions as part of the Hospitality Committee. (She was often the one to take their money.) She continues to faithfully help at The St. John ‘s Thrift Shop assisting people with choices and at check out. She is part of the great heart of the Thrift Shop that comes to the aid of the truly needy.

Welton Johnson – St. John's Church, Passaic

Welton Johnson has faithfully ushered at Saint John’s for decades. For many, the first greeting that they can remember is Welton ‘s smile and welcome. When he‘s needed, his answer is almost always, “I ‘ll be there.” This has been and continues to be his attitude at St. John ‘s.

Genara Agosto and Claris Grant – St. Paul's Church, Paterson

Genara was born in Puerto Rico, came to the United States in 1955 and worked in factories for 10 years. She then dedicated herself to taking care of her husband, daughter, and home, until they both died. It was when her cousin invited her that she began attending St. Paul’s Church. St. Paul’s has been her family and has helped her to survive the loss of her loved ones. Genara is among the most faithful worshipers at St. Paul’s at the 1:30 Spanish service and all the combined bilingual liturgies. A woman of deep faith, she has gifted us all with her quietly spirituality. She is very grateful to God for everything he has given her.

Claris was confirmed in Costa Rica at St. Peter’s Church in 1948 when she was 15. Came to the United States in 1969 and lived in Englewood. She attended Nursing School in New York and worked in that field for many years. She moved to Paterson in 2002 and was introduced to St. Paul’s Church in that same year,. Since then Claris has been a faithful and active member. She currently serves as a Greeter and is always ready to cook for any parish activity. We thank God for her ministry.

Lorrie Loeffler – Christ Church, Pompton Lakes

Lorrie has been a parishioner at Christ Church since she was born! She deserves to be this year's honoree because she is totally committed to the financial well-being of our adult day center, Shepherd's Haven. She devotes much of her time to the finances of Shepherd's Haven and has a very pleasant manner about her.

Romilly Liloia – Christ Church, Pompton Lakes

Romilly Liloia deserves to be this year's honoree because she is President of the Board of the Social Adult Day Center, Shepherd's Haven. She also is a Lay Reader, an Usher, and one of the most humble human beings you will ever meet!

Christine Potts – St. John's Memorial Church, Ramsey

One person can make a difference! Christine is a longtime member of St. John's, Ramsey and is currently the co-convener of our parish Outreach Committee. Four years ago Christine learned about an organization called Pedals for Progress which collects used bicycles and sewing machines and distributes them to the developing world. There they become a means of transportation or a cottage industry, providing a means to generate income. She introduced the parish to Pedals for Progress and organized our first bike collection four years ago. Over the years she has enlisted not only parish volunteers but a local boy scout troop to aid in the effort. This year 160 bicycles and a half a dozen sewing machines were collected! Over the past four years close to 500 bicycles have been rescued from people’s garages and back yards and re-purposed.

Doris Auger – Christ Church, Ridgewood

Doris is one of two parishioners who has been at Christ Church the longest. Her warmth, joy, and love of God is shared not only on Sundays but during the week as an office volunteer. Doris co-leads the Altar Guild, provides meals for parishioners in need, and ushers on Sunday with a smile. A joy-filled, Christ-centered disciple, Doris emulates the Christian faith and life.

Dorothy Meyers – Christ Church, Ridgewood

Dorothy is a devoted follower of Jesus and loves God. The Great Commandment says to "love your neighbor as yourself." Dorothy imbues that command.

A teacher of Sunday school, Confirmation classes, leader of the Women's Guild, active with Church Women United, Altar Guild member, Eucharistic Minister, nursing home visitor, and so much more, Dorothy embodies the priesthood of all believers and inspires many to wear the mantle of Christ.

Raymond Marshall – Grace Church, Rutherford

Ray has been a part of the Grace Church family after transferring into the parish in 1954. His family have supported the parish in many ways. Most recently he contributed toward replacing the carillon system for our bell tower. He is our fountain of knowledge and wisdom for our parish and in the wider community.

Peggy & Bob Arnold – Christ Church, Short Hills

Peggy and Bob were married in Christ Church and have served there for many years. Peggy has led the Altar Guild, accommodating the long string of clergy's different requests with grace and good humor. Bob has served on the Vestry and sings with the choir. Together they lead our Parish Life events, making Christ Church feel like home for so many of us. Their quiet strength is an inspiration and model of Christ's love for this whole world.

Winston Cummings – St. Andrew & Holy Communion, South Orange

Winston continually gives all he can to his church. He is a prominent member of the Men's Ministry and heds up the yearly Fish Fry and Tag Sale. He helps with the church finances and is always volunteering to do whatever he can for any committee or group that may need help. He has a heart of gold and is always at the ready to stand up and be a part of whatever the church needs.

Tom & Jeannette Stoddard – St. Dunstan's Church, Succasunna

Tom and Jeannette Stoddard have been faithful members of St. Dunstan's for 12 years. Before moving to northern North Jersey, they were active in their previous parish, Holy Trinity South River, serving in many ways.

Both Tom and Jeannette are devoted to the well-being and education of children. Tom spent many years as a school teacher and counselor and Jeannette as a nursery school teacher. They continue the care and nurture of children together at Mount Allamuchy Scout Reservation/Somers Camp where they live and work.

Tom currently serves on the Stewardship Committee at St Dunstan's and as a Eucharistic Minister while Jeannette serves on the Parish Life Team helping us maintain connections, especially with our college students. Tom and Jeannette are held in high regard in the parish for modeling the way as a Christian couple with much humor and grace. We are pleased to honor Tom and Jeannette with this award for their care and concern for those in the parish and larger community.

Jean Stufflebeem – Calvary Church, Summit

She has given innumerable hours in service to this Church, and to the glory of God, through her role as Chair of the Flower Chapter. Week-by-week, Jean allows us to remember the beauty of God‘s creation and brings us to honor all that is holy in the worship of his beautiful Temple.

Mary Ennon – Christ Church, Teaneck

Mary Ennon – Christ Church, Teaneck

Mary has, as a result of her deep commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ, offered her gifts freely as an organizer of parish events, a member of the altar guild, and as an educator. Mary has also served as a vestry member and a leader in this congregation, encouraging and motivating the membership.

Thank you Mary, for your years of service in the church.

Thank you, Mary, for your humor, patience and your supportive attitude. Your willingness to contribute to the growth of the church is appreciated by all.

Ann VanVelthoven – Christ Church, Teaneck

Ann Van Velthoven has spearheaded a very successful fund raising campaign which has drawn new faces into Christ Church. Ann’s due diligence and coordination amongst our congregation has lead to 5 consecutive years of successful fund raising effort which has proven to broadcast our congregation’s purpose and mission within the vicinity.

Ann has also served many years as a Vestry member,and continues to server as an Usher at Christ Church in Teaneck as well.

Lorraine Madison – Christ Church, Teaneck

Mrs. Lorraine Madison has been a faithful member of Christ Church since the early 1980’s. She served faithfully as the Treasurer of the Women of Christ Church under a number of Presidents, and because of her reliability was always reelected.

A meticulous book-keeper by training, Mrs. Madison is not one to accept financial reports at face value; and, during our Annual General Meetings, she is not shy to ask the tough questions. After retirement, she volunteered her services helping in the Sunday count of the offering and assisting Christ Church’s Treasurer in the reconciliation of the books.

For those who know Mrs. Madison, she is not “A reed shaken by the wind."

Martha Boughner – St. James' Church, Upper Montclair

Martha Boughner has been a member of Saint James congregation for many years and has distinguished herself on so many levels, first and foremost in her role as the Verger. Each Sunday she guides the liturgy team with grace and style, and her work with the acolyte teams, both adult and youth, assures that our volunteers are well prepared and confidant.

It is thanks to Martha’s respect and love of youth that we have an extremely active youth acolyte program. Her youth work has extended into our Youth Group Program. She has accompanied the youth members on extended mission trips and participates actively in their weekly meetings and their fund raising efforts.

Martha is also a master musician and many times plays or coordinates musical events to the delight of the congregation.

Martha is always willing to help and pursues her ministry with love for her church family. She is an example to us all of the Gospel alive at Saint James.

Sarah Eggleston – St. James' Church, Upper Montclair

Sarah Eggleston has distinguished herself at Saint James Church in the 30 plus years that she has been a member of the congregation. Sarah has taken on many roles including vestry member, choir member and Chair of the Altar Guild committee. Her strong and inspiring leadership, and her compassionate nature and quick sense of humor have encouraged many others to participate as active volunteers in the community. If there is a need in the church, Sarah can be relied upon to step in to help.

In 1996 Sarah was an active member of the Saint James Preschool, and upon the unexpected exit of the Director, Sarah stepped forward to help. Her volunteerism evolved into Sarah's assumption of the Director’s position which she has retained over the past 17 years. As the Director, Sarah has grown the school to over 80 students, and has elevated the reputation of our Preschool making it one of the most sought after in Montclair and the surrounding communities.

William Kopp – St. James' Church, Upper Montclair

Bill Kopp and his wife Pat have been members of Saint James for over 30 years. He has volunteered in many roles including head of the ushers and a vestryman, but his most extraordinary ministry involves the care and tending of our church buildings. As a member of the Property Committee Bill developed a love for the church buildings , the property, and the long history of Saint James Church.

Since his retirement Bill has evolved into our volunteer Facilities Manager. Her tends to the buildings, oversees projects large and small, and contributes to the education of our congregation about the long history of Saint James Church. He provides an important outreach into our community as a member of UMBA (Upper Montclair Business Association) and in his participation in historical town tours that involve Saint James Church.

Bill’s dedication to his church, his love for fellow congregation members, and his generosity of spirit make him an extraordinary gift to Saint James.

Richard Lasslett – Church of the Good Shepherd, Wantage

His love of the Lord is infectious and shines through all that he has done in his many years here at Good Shepherd. He has been a faithful and inspiring lector using his storehouse of biblical knowledge to illumine the readings. He is not only loved by all but is highly revered for his kindness, generosity of spirit and towering faith.

Pat Adamo – St. Peter's Church, Washington

Pat has served on many committees, the Vestry, and is a lay reader of many years, You can always find Pat at the Parish doing the bulletin boards, or cleaning the building, or helping with projects like the cancer pillowcases.

Barbara Trauger – St. Peter's Church, Washington

Barbara goes by Bobbie and is the person who for over 20 years has done the dirty jobs at our Parish without complaints. She takes the garbage to the dump, cleans dishes, pots, pans, you name it. She is always cleaning bathrooms, moping, and deserves this award.

Dolores Hauer – St. Michael's Church, Wayne

Dolores has been a member for 15 years and has served on the Altar Guild, is a weekly office volunteer doing mailings for the home bound and filling out reminder cards for Altar servers and mailing them. She has been a Sunday money counter for many years. She is a behind the scenes bread counter for Sunday services and checks the Sacristy regularly. She brings joy to the office with her fantastic sense of humor and she inspires others because of her unwavering faith. She has lived in Wayne since 1950.

Linda & Jerrold Sollers – St. Michael's Church, Wayne

Linda has been a member for almost 20 years having left for a brief time and then returned. She is head of Kid's Kingdom (Children's Sunday School) and is a teacher by profession. She teaches on Sunday mornings and chooses curriculum. She is an active member of our weekly Women's Bible Study group. She has helped with Christmas pageants as a Director and participant. She is faithful in attending worship and her first love is our children.

Jerry has been a member for close to 20 years having left for a brief time and then returned. He shares with his wife Linda in our Kid's Kingdom (Children's Sunday School). He is a regular teacher and participant at all levels of Kid Kingdom activity. He has participated in our regular Christmas Pageants as a leader and participant. He is mild mannered and resonates with the children. He is a member of the Prayer Team and just came through very serious knee surgery. As soon as he was able, following surgery, he was back in Church and participating to the fullest.

Deborah Blue – Holy Trinity Church, West Orange

Deborah Blue is an active participant at Holy Trinity.She is involved with children ‘s educational activities and helps in the soup kitchen and the thrift shop. She is a professional singer who we are grateful to have as a loyal member of the Holy Trinity choir.

Anne Tait – Grace Church, Westwood

Mrs. Anne Tait joined Grace Church in 1954 and at 90 years of age still contributes by singing in the choir.

Throughout the years raising 3 daughters and a son in the church, she has taught Sunday school with classes ranging from 1 to 25 children, belonged the Women's guild, St. Martha's, worked on the vestry as treasurer, visited shut-ins, fed the homeless, led fund-raisers for outreach, has been a diocesan representative at the convention for several years. She does to this day keep all of us in line with the many traditions of who we are with great determination, humility and joy.

We love her deeply for who she is and what she has done and continues to do for Grace Church Westwood.

George M. & Shyla Mathew – St. Paul's & Resurrection, Wood-Ridge

George and Shyla have been faithful and active members of the church for the past 21 years. They attend church services regularly and promptly. George has served as a vestry member in the past and continues to serve currently. He is eager to greet the new-comers and guests while being an usher during special church functions. He is a choir member and has been a keen supporter of the church's music ministry.

Shyla is an integral part of the church assisting in the altar guild. She takes pride in helping out in the church's housekeeping and hospitality teams. She is a permanent member of the choir and has supported with her beautiful voice in solo singing and choir singing for the church's music ministry.