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Laying down arms, putting on a collar

Wade Renn leads services at the House of Prayer
Eric Kiefer / The Montclair Times

[The Montclair Times] It's never too late to change the path that you walk.

It was 50 years ago that the Rev. Wade Renn, the founder of Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless (MESH) decided that enough was enough.

The former Boeing and Atomic Energy Commission employee had spent the first part of his life helping to make weapons of mass destruction and participating in research that Renn would only describe as "nasty stuff." His two physics degrees and scientific track record had earned him a spot in a prestigious Johns Hopkins think tank, but none of it brought him satisfaction.

None of it brought him peace.

"I realized that most of the things I was involved in had to do with killing and destruction, and I came to realize that something was wrong with that picture," Renn told The Montclair Times.

Shortly afterwards, Renn began his journey to becoming an ordained minister. Now half a century later, Renn has left an indelible mark on the humanitarian makeup of Montclair.