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Announcing GreenFaith Energy Services Program and Upcoming June Webinars


At the 2013 Convention this past January, we adopted a resolution calling on the congregations of the diocese to work with GreenFaith, the interfaith environmental organization which the diocese helped found, to reduce their energy use and costs and their carbon footprint. This is a response to a dual reality – that congregations can realize real energy savings at a time when church budgets are tight, and that we should model responsible energy use in response to climate change.

In order to address these needs, we are pleased to announce the GreenFaith Energy Services Program, a partnership of GreenFaith and the Diocese of Newark for congregations of the diocese. The Program will begin with the first 20 congregations that sign up to take part.

Participating congregations will identify an Energy Team of three to five people and will, with the support of their Vestry/Executive Committee:

  • Take part in 90 minutes of energy management training
  • Receive a no-cost evaluation of their lighting, heating and cooling systems, and appliances, and a no-obligation proposal for energy efficiency retrofits of this equipment. In many cases, GreenFaith can provide access to financing which enables congregations to carry out these retrofits at no up-front cost.
  • Receive a no-cost evaluation of their facility for a solar array. In many cases, GreenFaith can provide access to financing which enables congregations to realize significant additional savings.
  • Receive a bid for electricity supply from a renewable energy provider, which may result in additional savings.
  • Hold an Energy Sunday at the congregation, using materials provided by GreenFaith.

GreenFaith has extensive experience in this area of activity, and will provide support and materials enabling congregations to be successful. The cost of the program is $100.

GreenFaith is offering a free 30-minute webinar on two dates where more information will be provided on Thursday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 11 at 2 p.m.

After participating in a webinar session, interested congregations will then complete a simple, one-page application which will be due July 15, 2013. Up to twenty congregations will be accepted into the program.

If you would like to take part in the webinar, or to receive a recording link, e-mail GreenFaith’s Executive Director, Rev. Fletcher Harper, at