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Help support the diocesan Pentecost Celebration

Clergy and congregation leaders are asked to support the diocesan Pentecost Celebration: Blessing & Sending Disciples into the World by including the announcement below in your Sunday bulletins and, where possible, posting it on your church websites and social media. We also that you support the event in prayer, by adding the prayer below (or an adaptation) to your Prayers of the People, from now through Pentecost Sunday.


Diocesan Pentecost Celebration: Blessing & Sending Disciples into the World
Sunday, May 19, 3 p.m. at Trinity & St Philip’s Cathedral in Newark

Please join us for this diocesan–wide celebration as we gather to celebrate Pentecost together, lift up our missional identities to one another, and pray for the revitalization of Military Park and the City of Newark. We need you to make this celebration complete! Please bring thuribles, dove kites, streamers, and a portable representation of the work your congregation is currently doing in the world and/or what God is calling you to be in and for your community. And, dont forget to wear RED! Questions? Contact The Rev. Ginny Dinsmore, Coordinator for Missional Church Strategy, 973-430-9912 or, or visit


O God, by your grace and through your sacred story you call us to new life each and every day. Strengthen our efforts to share our stories and experiences of your love with our friends and neighbors. Embolden each church as we seek to embody your mission in our communities. As we gather on Pentecost afternoon to celebrate your life-giving Spirit, may we be a witness in Newark and throughout northern New Jersey of your creative power and gentle leading. Transform us as we are sent out to do the work you have given us to do. All this we ask through your Son Jesus Christ who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Feel free to adapt and use this prayer in your congregation as you continue to learn more about God’s mission in your community.