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Two diocesan staff departures: Michael Francaviglia and Sarah Rosen

Michael Francaviglia

It is with divided hearts that we announce the planned departures of two members of diocesan staff, Michael Francaviglia and Sarah Rosen.

After serving the diocese for 22 years as Director of Administration and Secretary of Convention, Michael has announced his retirement in March 2013.

Sarah, who joined diocesan staff one year ago in the newly-created part-time position of Advisor to the Bishop for Development, is leaving at the end of 2012 to accept a new position as Director of Development at NJTV – Public Media NJ.

Plans for filling both positions will be announced early in the new year.

The end of an era

Michael started with the diocese in September 1990 as Administrator and Secretary of Convention, with the latter being an elected canonical position. Today the titles are still pretty much the same, but over the years the responsibilities evolved as required to support the ministries in our diocese. Indeed, a list of responsibilities compiled by Michael for the diocesan Leadership Team covers five single-spaced pages.

During Michael's tenure he supported the ministries of four bishops, John Shelby Spong, Jack McKelvey, John Palmer Croneberger and Mark M. Beckwith, and the diocesan offices moved from Rector Street to their current location on Mulberry Street.

Time will be set aside at the January 2013 Annual Convention to recognize Michael's many contributions.

New efforts that will continue

Sarah Rosen
Sarah Rosen

Since November 2011, Sarah has supported Bishop Beckwith in strengthening fundraising efforts in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark. Working closely with the Fund Development Committee, she has developed a strategic development plan for the diocese to claim God’s abundance by discovering and gathering resources to support the mission and vision of the diocese.

Sarah had worked previously at WNET, of which NJTV is a subsidiary. She will remain as a volunteer member of the Fund Development Committee to insure continuity.

David Farrand, chair of the Fund Development Committee, says, "Sarah's time with us was very constructive. We're very sad to see her go, but we're determined to continue this work."

Gratitude, and Godspeed

Bishop Beckwith says, "I'm so grateful for Sarah's commitment and wisdom, and helping to develop a process and a culture that enhances giving.

"Michael is a diocesan icon. His competence and commitment are remarkable, but more than that are the life-giving relationships he has nurtured over the years. We give thanks for who he is and what he has done.

"We wish both of them Godspeed."