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Third BCEF Call of 2012: St. Matthew's, Paramus: Inspired Sounds – New Life

St. Matthew's, Paramus

We, the Congregation of St. Matthew's, seek to know the gifts that Christ has given us, to use them as Christ would have us in a ministry of love and encouragement to each other and the community, with God's help.

St. Matthew’s: a tale of commitment, dedication, perseverance, awareness of the best of the past and an appreciation of the future with God’s grace when a congregation finds its way to renewed ministry in response to issues of property repairs and a failing organ.

The parishioners have been working diligently on repairs, maintenance and improvements to the buildings and grounds. There have been many property activities undertaken in the past year including the church interior and exterior having been cleaned, repaired and repainted; the flat roof repaired; mold remediated; floor drainage problems corrected; and ceiling rot removed.   Planned for completion are the repairs to the slate roof, renovations to meeting rooms, the installation of new carpeting in the Sunday school building and construction of accessible bathrooms.  All of this work is evidence of a high degree of involvement and investment of volunteer time and love of their church.

Eighteen months ago, the Vestry began deliberate and focused discussions on what to do about the organ – 60 years old and in poor condition and the topic of concern for the past five years. Repairs were no longer feasible and the purchase of a new instrument was beyond financial capability. Hence, it was decided that a reconditioned pipe organ would “enhance worship in the grand manner of the past half century” while moving into the future.

A capital campaign was launched earlier this year with a goal of $25,000, and within several months 60% of the goal was reached. Budgets and realistic cost setting were decided. Research was undertaken to identify pipe organ contractors. Good fortune and God’s grace found a local Essex County organ builder who took a personal interest in the church’s quest for a new organ, and an agreement was reached for the installation of a high-quality instrument. To keep the cost affordable, parish volunteers completed much of the carpentry and woodworking required for the organ chamber.

The organ work is nearly completed and much of the repairs are done.   The parishioners have come to know that sharing of time, talent and treasure is a gift from Christ to use in their ministries.  This BCEF call will help defray the remaining costs for the building repairs and completion of the organ installation.

Your generosity is much appreciated.