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St. Agnes' Church in Little Falls starts food pantry

Matthew Kadosh / Passaic Valley Today

A room within St. Agnes Episcopal Church is stocked with canned soups, meats, fruits, and vegetables alongside cereals, pasta and pet food. It is the church's newly expanded food pantry and is open to anyone in need.

The church has always collected and distributed food for the needy, but several weeks ago they took it a step further and officially opened a food bank.

Patrick Keating, a warden on the church vestry who has been volunteering his time to organize the food bank, said they have seen an increasing number of people coming in with food emergencies, which was why the decided to expand the collection effort.

Archdeacon Deborah Drake said they have seen a lot of people who want to help out.

"We really want to make it our main mission to feed the hungry," she said. "We really want to make it a community effort and let the community know this is a place they can help."