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Building Bridges to Hope - A new ministry supporting those impacted by mental illness

Building Bridges to Hope
Deacon Lynn Czarniecki

Mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children — or 60 million Americans. People impacted by mental illness are all around us, including sitting in the pews of our churches. New research findings have shown that people with serious mental illness can live lives of recovery when supported by their families and loved ones. In order for families to support their loved ones with mental illness, they in turn need the support of their friends and communities, including the church.

Building Bridges to Hope Ministry aims to:

  • Increase awareness about the needs of the mentally ill and their families in faith communities and communities at large.
  • Provide up to date, scientific information about mental illnesses: symptoms, impact on individual lives and families, current treatments and interventions and programs available in the community.
  • Work with organizations such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to educate and advocate in the field of mental health.
  • Explore ways in which faith based communities can learn to embrace, accept, listen to and help deepen their care for people with serious mental illnesses and their families.
  • Encourage and assist congregations in developing faith based initiatives for the mentally ill and their families.

Deacon Lynn Czarniecki hopes to empower congregations to be the light and love of Jesus for the mentally ill and their families in their communities. Deacon Lynn hopes to:

  • Give presentations or preach to churches in the diocese about faith based communities and the mentally ill.
  • Help congregations explore ways in which they can be supportive to the mentally ill and their families through support groups, special liturgies and other activities.
  • Work with individuals, clergy, parishioners in developing programs and resources for people with mental illnesses and their families in the congregation and community.

Sitting in our pews are people who are struggling with the pain of mental illness, perhaps thinking they are alone, fearful of stigma and yearning for support. Now is the time, and Building Bridges to Hope is the ministry, that can make a difference in their lives. Please consider joining with or contacting Deacon Lynn in building bridges to hope for those impacted by mental illness among us.

Contact Deacon Lynn at or 908-217-6365.