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Second BCEF Call of 2012: Cross Roads Outdoor Ministries, Renovations to the Lodge & Beisler Center

The Lodge at Cross Roads
Michael Francaviglia, Director of Administration

Camp is like a second home to me... I’ve made so many friends who I can call anytime during the year…. It’s a holy place, when I’m there my faith is stronger because we worship every day….When I’m at camp it’s a much needed break from the chaos of every day life and offers a sanctuary where I can enjoy and relax and strengthen my relationship with Christ.

Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center, located in Port Murray in northwestern New Jersey, provides opportunities for youngsters to experience camp life and for adults to meet in a serene and comfortable year-round retreat setting. The camp is operated jointly by the Episcopal Diocese of Newark and the Lutheran Synod of New Jersey.

Children and youth participate in summer camp activities such as swimming, boating, campfires, archery, challenge course elements, sports and crafts. Friendships are forged and faith is strengthened – as the above quotes testify. Adults can join with their Vestry colleagues and other groups to enjoy the comfort and amenities of the new Christ Center retreat facility or one of the other accommodations. Participants become energized, inspired and supported and return to their congregations refreshed and vitalized for ministry. For everyone to enjoy are the indoor and outdoor chapels, the pool, the lake, and the 250 acres of beautiful countryside.

As happens with buildings wherever situated, time takes a toll requiring repairs and renovations. Sometimes unexpected problems arise that require swift action and remediation. Such was the case at Cross Roads when an insect infestation hit two of the older buildings – the Lodge and Beisler Center – that required a massive reconstruction of the building interiors. County and state agricultural officials and professional exterminators were consulted. The buildings were gutted and all interior wooden support structures removed. The work cost more than $50,000.

Happily we can report that the renovations were completed and the facilities are ready for the 2012 camping season. This call will help the camp with the unforeseen expenses.

Your generosity is much appreciated.