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United Thank Offering In-gathering at Convention

United Thank Offering "blue box"
Anna Byrne, UTO Coordinator

The United Thank Offering (UTO) Annual Convention In-gathering will take place during the opening Eucharist on Friday, January 27, when representatives from many of our congregations will present their offerings. The UTO supports projects that address poverty of women and children, make a significant impact, demonstrate new and innovative work, and are a part of a planned diocesan/provincial strategy.

Each year funds are donated by dioceses throughout The Episcopal Church during in-gatherings when monies are collected in the “blue boxes” and other means that when added up have been totaling over two million dollars for grants that address compelling human needs. Our diocese has received a number of UTO awards over the past years. Two recent recipients were the First and Third Tuesdays program of All Saints Community Service and Development Corporation, Hoboken that received a United Thank Offering grant of $10,000 in 2009; and St. Paul’s, Paterson’s Learning Through Literacy program for $7500 awarded in 2011.

Questions may be directed to diocesan UTO coordinator Anna Byrne at