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Getting To Know God

the Rev. Diana Clark

When the Rev. Shane Phelan, of St. Luke’s, Haworth, and I watched people pour into the room where we held our workshop on Spiritual Practices during Convention in January, we turned to each other in happy surprise. During that time, we heard many express a desire for more opportunities to simply talk together about our spiritual journeys and to incorporate more silence into our life together in the diocese.

In response, we are planning a series of four conversations, Getting to Know God, beginning Sunday, October 2, at Calvary Church, Summit from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. In preparation, we ask that you ponder what a symbol of your spiritual journey might be. Then bring it to our gathering October 2.

The structure of our time together will be simple and include: silence, small group and plenary conversations.

It’s great fun to share symbols of our journeys, and you might actually find yours changing over the next couple of months. If it’s too big to bring in, take a photo. If you can’t come up with a symbol, that is in itself a symbol.

You might also want to read Ministry and Solitude: the Ministry of Laity and Clergy in Church and Society by James Fenhagen. Don’t let the rather dry title fool you. This is a remarkably accessible and meaty little book, only 80+ pages long; and although written in the early 80’s, applies to today’s issues and the issues expressed in our Convention workshop. It’s out of print so you should be able to get a copy on line for very little money. I also hope you’ll read Sue Morgan’s article about her spiritual practice, Rule Of Life Or Holy Routine?

The second session will be built on the first. It’s planned for Sunday, December 4 and the third will be held during Convention. The fourth is yet to be determined. These offerings are made on behalf of the Patterns of Spiritual Practice Group, called together by the bishop last year. Our work is partnered with other initiatives through Diocesan Council’s Empowering Action Team.

Finally, let us know if you’re coming by contacting Diana Clark at