Materials are grouped in these subcategories:
- Annual Pledge Campaign
- Planned Giving
- Year-Round Stewardship
Materials are grouped in these subcategories:
Improve the chances that your Stewardship letter (and email) actually gets read by following these easy rules.
Additional information about the Online Giving Assessment prepared by the Stewardship Office of the Diocese of Newark.
Personalization helps ensure your letter gets read and acted on - and it only takes a few minutes!
Learn best practices and strategies to strengthen mission and help make members aware of your ministry. Help members to make their best gifts! (Time: 1:30:25.)
Learn best practices to deepen your stewardship theology and help your members connect their money with their meaning. (Time: 1:24:32.)
Does your parish brochure have pictures of kids who have since graduated college? It’s time to update your printed and online stewardship materials. Learn design basics and new ideas to help your members make their best gifts. (Time: 1:31:29.)
Learn about the unique sensitivities and behavioral trends of different generationalgroups and how to tailor your stewardship message to more effectively reach everyone.
In this short video Cynthia McChesney, Missioner for Stewardship in the Diocese of Newark, outlines a framework to bring structure to your Annual Stewardship Campaign planning, by helping you first identify 10 key dates over the next several months.
This brief video features a discussion with Jim Murphy of the Episcopal Church Foundation and Cynthia McChesney of the Diocese of Newark and focuses on the need for vestry-level endowment and gift acceptance policies.
A conversation between Jim Murphy, Episcopal Church Foundation and Cynthia McChesney, Diocese of Newark on ways that Episcopal churches in the diocese can get started in setting up an effective Planned Giving program.
Easy steps a congregation can take to set up its own planned giving program.
Learn how to identify and recruit members on your stewardship committee who will find joy and success on this essential ministry.
Thinking about your church's upcoming annual pledge campaign? Want to be as prepared as possible come the fall?
In this concise video, we delve into several essential pledging benchmarks that every vestry member should know. (Time: 9:21.)
Ways to maximize your church's online giving.
Topics: Why Year-end Giving? Church Wish Lists; Year-end Campaigns; Online Giving Tips; Donor Advised Funds; Qualified Charitable Distribution from IRA; Group Discussion.
Recording of a Zoom Workshop held August 4, 2022.
Your congregation budget is a roadmap to your ministry. Ensure that your budget maintains healthy ratios and represents opportunities for ministry and mission. Learn best practices on transparent and accountable reporting. (Time: 1:20:30.)
Join with Davey Gerhard, Executive Director of TENS: The Episcopal Network for Stewardship to discuss theological and practical tips and tools on how to develop your time and talent ministries. (Time: 1:29:34.)
Learn best practices to polish your gratitude and abundance responses and develop a toolkit for year-round connection to the mission.