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School for Ministry: Pastoral Leader training

praying hands
Wed, May 15 2024, 7:00pm

Pastoral Leader Training will be held online on the following dates (except where "in person" is noted): May 15, June 8 (in person), August 24, September 21, October 19, November 16, January 18, February 15 (in person), March 15, May 10.

Pastoral Leader training is designed for lay ministers who are called to assist their clergy person in providing pastoral and spiritual leadership in their congregation. The ministry of the Pastoral Leader, at the direction of clergy, is to help assess the concerns and needs of parishioners and identify ways to help and support them. This may include traditional pastoral care (such as hospital visits, home visits, etc.) as well as helping parishioners connect with and participate in ministries of the parish. In congregations without clergy, Pastoral Leaders serve under the supervision of the Wardens and Vestry.

Pastoral Leader training includes Worship Leader training and Preacher training so that they can step into those roles. It is also expected that they will be able to serve as Eucharistic Visitors, which is trained at the parish level currently. 

In addition to this training, licensing as a Pastoral Leader requires submitting an application and verifying that they are Confirmed Communicants in Good Standing (Confirmed members who attend worship and give regularly) of a congregation in the Diocese of Newark. Pastoral Leaders must complete the Safe Church, Safe Communities training, which can be completed online. A background check, at the expense of the Bishop's Office, will also be required to be licensed for this ministry.

Monday, May 13, 2024, 5:00pm

Wardens or Clergy: Please use this form to register participants for Pastoral Leader training.

Your submission is not complete until you click the Submit button below, and see the acknowledgement page.

Attendee Information
Registration fee
The registration fee is $400. This training and this fee includes Worship Leader Training and Preacher training.

Don't forget - your submission is not complete until you click the Submit button below, and see the acknowledgement page.

You will also receive an email containing the information you entered, for your records.

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