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Practicing Christ - The Way of Jesus as Transformative Practice

Different forms of prayer
Mon, Jan 11 2021, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Christian spiritual formation is a transformational process, deepening our relationship to God in Christ through practices of prayer and habits that can grow in us deeper love for God, others, and ourselves and sustain us in our actions. This pathway of formation, followed with intention, catalyzes step by step changes in the human brain and psyche which deepen our awareness of and response to the Spirit of God in our daily life. It can open us more deeply to the loving grace that draws us to walk the path of Christ’s commandments, not for our sake only, but for the sake of others and the world itself.

This eight-session course will focus on 1) the impact of Jesus’ moral, spiritual challenges on our psycho-spiritual development and human flourishing, 2) comparisons with current models of human development, and 3) the classical stages of prayer. Each session will feature a rooting in Scripture, presentation, discussion, worship and a variety of spiritual practices.

Sessions will be held on eight consecutive Monday evenings, January 11-March 1, 2021, 6-7:30 PM via Zoom. There is a maximum of 30 participants. A $50 donation is suggested.

To sign up for the full course, please email the Rev. Robert Morris at no later than 12 noon on Sunday, Jan. 10.

Sponsored by the Diocesan Nourishing Spirituality Group and Interweave. Coordinated by The Rev. Robert Corin Morris and The Rev. Anthony Puca, this course will draw on the wisdom of others active in spiritual formation work, including Cheryl Notari, The Rev. Lynn Weber, and others.

PDF icon Practicing Christ flyer.pdf449.9 KB

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